Danny imagine part 2 - His POV

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May 4th 2018, the worst day of my life. I was touring in America with my boys Mark and Glen. My girlfriend Y/N was back at our home in London. It's our 4 year anniversary today, and I was devastated I couldn't spend it with her. We were halfway through tour, I was counting how long it was until I saw my girl again. 4 weeks, 28 days, 1 hour, 38 minutes and 23 seconds to be precise. I have been fighting temptation to not fall Y/N today as I knew hearing her voice would break my heart.

The boys and I were sitting in our dressing room having a few drinks before the show, after one too many I found myself about to call Y/N, when her number flashed up on my phone

"Boys, she's calling me! Is it a good idea for me to answer to close to the show?" I said staring at it

"Answer" they both shouted, probably because they didn't want me too be upset for the rest of the night, I had already been sad throughout the day.

"Hey baby, happy anniversary!" I answered so eager to hear her voice! "I was just about to call you, god Y/N I miss you so much! Today more than ever" I said before she could say anything.

She didn't say nothing, all I could hear was her heavy breathing down the phone. I asked her if everything was okay, but little did I know my world was about to come crashing down.

"I, I'm breaking up with you Dan" she said

My heart stopped for a minute there, I was praying I had misheard what she said, but I hadn't. How could she do this to me? How could she just leave me, 4 years we were together, 4 long years. My heart was breaking, my ache turned into anger, the next thing I knew I was shouting loads of things at her, before hanging up the phone. I through my phone across the room, and through a punch at the door, Mark and Glen came over, and pulled me close - the next thing I knew, I was sobbing on their shoulders.

"I, I thought she loved me, I really thought she did. You don't pull someone's heart out, throw it on the floor and stamp on it if you love them"

"Mate, I'm so sorry" Glen said

"I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now" Mark said

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I took deep breaths, as it was now time for the show. Every song I sang, my heart hurt even more, now all the songs I'm singing have an affect on me, they are hurting my heart, my voice was breaking. After what felt like forever, the concert had finished. I made it, 2 hours with a broken heart, but I could never let the fans down. We were now at our hotel, I laid on the bed, remembering the heart ache Y/N had gave me. I was going to propose to her, I was going to ask her to marry me, but she, she left.

I laid there for what felt like hours, scrolling on twitter, my mentions were filled with fans saying how much they loved the show, but taking over them mentions were fans saying how upset I was at tonight show, and how I cried throughout the concert. Not only have I let myself down, and the boys, I've now let the fans down too.

* 1 week later *

The media was full of titles "The Script singer Danny O'Donoghue broken hearted as he separates with long term girlfriend Y/N" the one thing I hated about being known, was how everyone knew the heartache I was facing and how I was pictured with drinks in my hands, and tears streaming down my face.

* 1 months later *

Today, the boys and I were playing at Wembley stadium, for the summertime ball. It had been just over a month since Y/N left me, and it wasn't getting any easier. Every little thing reminded me of her, today was going to hurt, as she was bursting with joy when I told her we were selected to play at Wembley Stadium.

Flash back

- "Babe, I am so proud of you! Wembley stadium holds 80,000 people and all tickets are sold out! I'm so, so proud of you! I love you so much" she smiled kissing me softly -

- Thank you baby, you have always been my number one fan! Will you be there to support me?" I smiled -

- "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" She smiled -

Oh how she lied.

We had been on stage for 45 minutes, we were now about to play our last song! I don't know what had came over me, but I saw an opportunity and I decided to take it, this was my only chance to make this known!

"Can I ask everyone to take out there phones and video this next song" I said smirking, looking out into the crowd as 80,000 people took out their phones

"Can everyone please send this video to Y/N, her twitter username is Y/T/N - Y/N if you are watching this, then please listen to these words, and please come back to me, I love and miss you so much! This one's for you baby!" I smiled, I then begun to sing If You Ever Come Back, changing it up just a little bit

"I'll leave the door on the latch, if you ever come back, if you ever come back. There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat, if you ever come back. There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on, and Y/N it will be just like you were never gone"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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