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Kim Seokjin: Actor,  handsome,  cook,  21

Min Yoongi: Rapper,  producer,  genius,  20

Neither one of them signed up for this.  All they were looking for was a job.  One to get them by trainee days. Everyone who knew the two would agree that this was preposterous. But who were they to stop them from going for this job? 

This job?  Disney princes at the local Disney World attraction.  Now Jin,  has unending confidence in himself... But Yoongi,  not as much,  burger really needed this job,  so really,  who had the right to judge him? 

During the interview,  the basics were asked and given.  Disney world employers were desperate,  so the two men were hired on sight. They both started the next day. 

Jin was Prince Charming from Cinderella and Yoongi,  well,  he was Philip.  They worked hard for their keep,  until a battle of the princes broke out.  They didn't remember how it started,  it just did.  One moment they were waving to the children,  the next,  Jin is insulting Yoongi's hair,  and Yoongi gives insulting Jins laugh. 

Three hours later after closing,  you could see them going out for drinks together and later leaving together. 

Trainee days are hard they say. 

So,  this chapter will probably not have another... It's just here. 
And just assume Korea has a Disneyland. I'm not an expert or anything..... 

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