Part 1: As Long As You Love Me

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Allys POV  

I just finished up spending the day with Tyler. I wasnt entirely sure why I agreed to hanging out with him anyway. He is really strange for example one day he will act like he loves me and then the next like he doesn't know me. But I'll always want to spend time with him no matter what. He was my first kiss so that's why I think I like spending time with him. I just had him drop me off at the theater for my play practice, we were just sitting in his truck talking when he asked.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked me.

"Uhm I don't know can you?"

Ally's POV 

Really did I just seriously say that? I'm retarded I seriously am retarded. "I don't know can you?!" Wow pretty smooth move. He started to chuckle and began leaning in... OHMYGOSH what do I do? Do I let him kiss me? Do I play hard to get? What if somebody sees us? Oh gosh oh gosh... I flashed back to when he first kissed me.. My freshman year... I was so terrified.. I've heard the stories about him.. Tyler Vega biggest player ever!! That didn't stop me I mean he was two years older than me... A junior how cool would I seem to my friends if I told them I kissed a Junior and Tyler Vega at that!! I finally let myself give in I was going to allow him to kiss me this time.. well all up until BANG BANG BANG!!! I quickly opened my eyes and looked out the window... James was standing out there waving and smiling like a dork. I know me and James are just friends but whenever I'm near him I get this feeling that I can't really explain. I had a feeling I was going to get crap for being with Tyler later because that's just the type of person he is.

"Tyler!!" yelled James

"Oh hey James how's it going?" Tyler asked as he rolled down the window.

"Good good. Hey Ally you ready for practice?" James asked me.

"Oh uhm yeah, hey Tyler thanks for hanging with me and giving me the ride here.. I had fun" I said as I got out of the truck.

"Hey Ally text me?" Tyler asked.

"If you really want to talk to me then you will text me first" and with that I gave him a smile and walked into the theater.

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