July 12th 439

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She sat up in her bed. Suddenly awaken from a long nights rest. Usually a maid would wake her up or her father him self. But today she woke up on her own. This is not of much importance. Other than the simple knowledge that this was out of the ordinary. Especially when the sun had not yet risen.

The night prevues she was with a handful of her friends. Talking, and making an utter fool of them selfs, as they had not had this opportunity in quite some time. In such a small kingdom, it had left for not manny friend making opportunities, but enough to count. The 4 girls had known each other since a young age. Sense the start of schooling to be exact. Where schooling was not common at all among young women at this present time, it was welcomed in the kingdom of Zares.

Anyways, the sun had just barely just risen. She could feel the suns rays that beamed through the window pain. The glass was almost opaque, the view of the kingdom seemed to spill into the bedroom and fill every crevice. It was breath taking. Sarah, having some time before breakfast would be served in the dining hall, had a thought come a cross her mind. "Why not go out into the kingdom and enjoy the morning before the afternoon rush." So she did. And to make it more exciting, she did so not by street but by air. She threw the covers back and jumped out of the bed. She rushed to the balcony beyond the windows, and began to mount a tree branch that was in near proximity. She had done this manny times before. In fact she showed her friends the previous night. What a rush she would get from the "sneaking" about. From tree to tree she climbed like a squirrel on a quest. It had been years since she had done this. When she was a little girl, the men of the kingdom and her father were building the small castle for the princess. During the construction she would do the same. Clime from tree to tree as if it was her own route to anywhere in the land. Every branch that she chose held weight in her memory. "I saw a Blue Herring from that branch some time ago. I had a conversation with one of the townspeople for hours off that branch as if I was a king giving a speech from a balcony." All of these memory played through her thoughts as if she was seeing them in real time. Stealth-fully she made her way to the most beautiful view in the kingdom of the on coming sunrise. She eased down onto a branch and rested agents the old smooth trunk of the tree. She looked out across the land and surveyed the beauty of the arising sun. The red orange glow of the landscape illuminated the branches and the leaves above her. Closing her eyes and taking a long breath, she soaked in the essence of the new morning. The birds had just began to sing a lovely song. So pure that it almost sounded human. The tune was classic. One she had heard when she was a babe. Sinking deeper into the trunk of the tree she listened to the song. Everything was perfect! Gently Sarah's eyes started to filter open. Not because she wanted to, but because she realized something. The tune was getting louder, and words were now being sung. Then a sudden crack followed her realization, and down she came to the ground beneath her. Black all she saw was black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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