2 Dragon, Friend or both?

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                                                                                  Kirishima's P.O.V.

Hearing what sounded like a scream Katsuki's and my head whipped to the direction it came from then back to each other we start running towards the sound. Looking down from the hill that overlooked the meadow we saw three males surrounding a female. Not a moment later did Katsuki start circling to get behind the three males while I transformed into a dragon and swiftly flew down towards the four of them but as I got closer I could smell the softest hints of vanilla and caramel but it was almost completely overpowered by the strong scent of iron coming from the female.

Once upon the ground I walked closer to the female now noticing that she had furry brown ears sitting atop her messy brown tresses and a fluffy brown wolf tail placed just above her bottom, it was then that she opened her eyes, her big brown doe eyes captured me everything about her seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out why.

I stopped once I was a few feet away watching her slowly move closer, moving my head down to her height she flinched back slightly before pushing out her arm I watched as she closed her eyes leaving her hand hovering over my nose 'cute'  I give a soft snort before pushing my head forwards her eyes open as she stares at her hand in disbelief, she then starts to softly caress my snout causing me to unconsciously purr, I almost let out a whine when she started to pull away but stopped when she hugged my snout nuzzling into her a little more only to stop as she whispered

"I missed you Kiri" my eyes widened and I froze in shock as I finally realized why she seemed so familiar,

"Sakura!?" I growled out in surprise I snapped out of it as I saw her body start falling forwards holding her up with my head I gently lowered her to the ground only now remembering that she smelled heavily of blood and looking at her body I realized how bruised and beaten she looked not to mention the blood trailing down the side of her face.

"Ha looks like the dumb b*tch fainted makes killing her a lot easier" the largest of the three cackled I let out a furious roar after hearing those words halfway transforming back so they could understand what I would do to them

" If you So much as touch a single hair on my sisters head I will rip your eyes out and shove them down your throat so you can watch as I rip your sorry carcasses apart!" I spat as I watched as the color drained from the two lackeys who then turned tail and ran as fast as they could to get away from me. As I walked back towards Sakura I lift her up into my arms princess style carefully cradling her close as the leader spoke with a cocky tone

*************Trigger warning mentions of abuse!*************

"Ha to late you should have heard her scream and beg for us to stop always crying out for someone to come save her, she wasn't safe in her dreams either always waking up screaming and crying all the fun time we had breaking her, starving her, and my personal favorite was when we got to beat her for her defiance or anytime she would try to use her quirk just thinking of hearing her bones break, watching the hope fade from her eyes". I watched as he shivered with a sick grin on his face.

*********End Trigger Warning**************************

If Sakura wasn't passed out in my arms I would have ripped him apart. Growl rising in my throat. I bare my fangs at him when he takes a step forward only stopping when his step's faltered.

"Die you d*mn extra!".

Before he could even blink a blade cut across his back life fading from his eyes as his body drops. I look towards Katsuki who sheathed his sword after cleaning the blood off, walking towards me he spits out

"Tch bunch of f*cking weaklings". Gesturing at the passed out female in my arms he scowls up at me

"Why the f*ck didn't you tell me you had a godd*mn sister!?"

"You never asked and well I kinda maybe sorta forgot" chuckling nervously when he stops and looks straight at me now dawning a tick mark,

"How in the f*cking hell do you forget you have a sister!" he screams the look on his face told me he thought I was an idiot. Trying to think of a response I'm brought back when I hear the pained whimpers coming from the girl in my arms.

 "I think it's cause the last time I saw her was right before the villagers chased me out, well that or the fact that she's my adopted sister".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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