Chapter 13

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Daddy POV

I desperately felt for a pulse on her neck. I found one.

I sprinted back to the house with her delicate body in my arms. I gently placed her onto the sofa and grabbed my phone. Dr on speed dial.

"Hello, this is Dr Amy's secretary. How can I help?" a lady answered "This is Steve my baby girl is unconscious and has lost a lot of blood, please can you send Amy over right now" "I'm sorry but she is currently in a meeting an-" "Did you just hear what I said? Get Amy out of that meeting right now and send her here!!" I hung up after that because I was so pissed and worried. I simply just sat in front of the sofa holding my babies hand.

15mins later (John has already been and got Scarlet)

I heard a knock at the door and sprinted to it.

"Where is she?" I lead Amy to where Sam was.

2 hours later

Sam was in her cot her wrist stitched up and had been given fluids. "Thank you so much for coming at such short notice"

"No problem, over the next few days you need to watch her like a hawk but hopefully she will be fine. May I ask what happened? And why she has bruises all over her body and face?"

"Honestly I don't know, she hasn't been herself the past few days. It could be to do with Johns little girl or me, ill ask her later. Anyway, thank you so much for coming."

Sams POV

Where am I? I jumped up looking around but quickly recognised I was in my cot, in the house? I was also in clean clothes, new nappy and had a bandage on my wrist. How did this happen?

I heard a noise of someone coming upstairs. Shit, its Scarlet. What was she going to do to me? I was in the bigger cot. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, and without noticing I wet myself.

"I didn't mean to be in your cot, you can tell daddy more lies about calling names, to get me punished. P-please don't b-beat me up again, p-please I'm already in a-a lot of p-pain. Please d-don't punch me" I just broke down and awaited her fist, but instead big strong arms lifted me up and held me. I just cried. I just cried into my daddy's neck. The past few days had been really hard. But now I was back in daddy's arms. "W-where i-is S-s-sca-"

"Scarlet has gone home. Baby girl I'm really sorry about what has happened and how I messed up so badly with sleeping with her and how I –"

"shhhh daddy, j-just cuddle me" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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