Hey my name is Christi and my best friend name is Sally. We was in every class together we were like sister. Some people thought we were. We were always with each other. Till I got another friend named Trina. Me and Trina became friend at Sally's Halloween party #boo. In 6th grade I hated Trina. I thought she was a two faced bitch, But at the party it was like we been best friends forever. We were so crazy that night.
Sally got mad at us alot, because we where loud and she said her mother woild yell at her. Like yeah right she would not do that. Sally's mom was just as loud as we were. So we would ignore her. I could tell Sally was getting mad, but me and Trina really didnt care. We were having too much fun running and scaring people. That is were Sally started getting weirda
copy cat
Teen Fictionthought I had a best friend that was like a sister to me, but in her eyes she was wanting to be me