Knowingn Me More

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Diary Entry #3:

        Okay well I know that I want someone to read it that's why I'm writing this that in some way I know my death wasn't a waste that its helping someone that's all I wish. That my death wasn't in vein, that my death was in a good cause. I know I know if my mentor meaning my best friend and teacher see this he will kill me as well as my godfather.

        I want to explain a little better my death and what I do because many people don't understand and that is understandable. I was alive many many years ago and i will go as far as I can remember OK.

        I was very young at age 10 I realized I wasen't like normal children in my village my eye color hair color different from everyone I had a lilac hair color and vibrant blue eyes everyone else had blond to red hair color and their hair color matched their eyes compare to mine no. I had asked my mother if she dyed it she said no I looked at her and she was hiding something  from  me but I didn't pay much mind to it I guess I knew she will tell me one day. When I reached at the age of 12 we moved to another town I didn't understand why but they made my mother work to death not feeding us killing us slowly until my mom told me why we were their "baby girl I have to tell you something my child and it can't wait anymore we are leaving this wretched despicable place and find home we are here because they said I have committed the worsted of the worsted sin because I loved a man who was a demon and demon and human are enemy we must not love or care but I did exactly that we all the woman here are here because we did just that and we must not be forgiven and you my child are from a demon but not any demon you were the kings daughter so you are a  Queen WHO has to protect them" me being me a child I did not understand what she was saying all I was thinking 'WOW am a queen how fun' not knowing what the future hold for me and my mom. We did leave that place and went to a near town were we where given a place to stay and I was thankful. Never not even once did I hate my mom or blame her for this love is love no matter how it was or with who it was. At the of 13 I found a boy crying and we started talking and he took me on a date and we had fun until he told me he was a demon and I said I was a human but that I don't care because I love him I really do so we started dating we swore wee will never tell anyone our love is ours never to be told. Until one night the villagers figured out about us and we were supposed to die together. I didn't care we will die together but HE did care he wanted to have a family so we ran ran as fast as we can never turning back until he gave me something to eat we eat it and he said "this is a leaf very hard to find and if you find it you gain immortality" I took it without any question because I believe him I did. The villagers found us wanting to kill us but not being able to. I went to my mom house we had to leave but something happened that I myself don't remember but my boyfriend and mom do  I vanish my own should did and I was reborn as a demon I had all my demon power as the demon king before me did.

        I am reborn over and over again with my boyfriend but to be clear no I do not disgrace anyone I am reborn in some women who can't have children and I am reborn into them giving them a chance to be a mother.From time to time I go to the demon world sometime I have to die to completely die and it sucks but I do it anyway I know its not the right thing but I didn't chose this maybe I did to be reborn multiple time but not to die. To this current day I do die or people tried to not being able to *smiles creepily* Do you think you can? I been born time to time and the human world and my original world change a lot in good and bad ways

        hope this helped a little and don't die yet



                        *smile evilly* try not to die because if you do you won't be able to read the rest

                                                        わたしは、あなたを愛しています (i love you)

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