Beautiful Day

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The 9 members sat on the coucj to watch some horror movies Jane sat beside Daisy Yeonwoo sat beside Nancy Hyebin sat beside Jooe Taeha sat beside Nayun Ahin is in the middle of the couch

"So what do you want to watch?" Hyebin ask

"Horror!" Jane and Daisy shout and their look each other Daisy just smiled at her and Jane is still crimeson red smiling to her thoughts

"You two like horror movies" Yeonwoo said with a smirk

"Nooooo Disney movies!" Nancy and Jooe whined the old girls just laugh including Ahin

"Horror movies!" Jane and Daisy shouts

"Disney movies!" Nancy and Jooe shout back

"Hey, hey, hey stop that let's just vote who wants to watch horror movies" Hyebin ask Taeha,Yeonwoo,Jane,Daisy and Hyebin raised their hand

"Okay what about.. Disney movies" Nayun,Nancy and Jooe raised their hands

"The winner is... Horror movie team!" Daisy shouts Jane look at Daisy with her sweet look and smile

"Okay what kind of horror movie do you want?" Yeonwoo ask

"The Nun!" Jane and Daisy shouts and look at each other and laugh

"Yiiieee our ship is sailing!" The others said me and Daisy just laugh

"Shut up i do not like her" Jane lied

"I don't like you neither" Daisy teased

"Ouch" Jane wishpered and Daisy just laugh

"Okay JaIsy let's just play the movie" Hyebin said

"JaIsy?" Daisy and Jane ask

"JaIsy means that you couple name" Yeonwoo said

"Oh the movie is starting!" Jane shout and Daisy just laugh anyminute Daisy teas Jane

"BOOM!" Daisy shout and Jane shouts too

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jane shout including the others and hug Daisy Nancy accident kiss Yeonwoo Jooe hug tigh Hyebin and Nayun hug Taeha

"Daisy yah!" Jooe shouts

"Sorry guys sorry unnies" Daisy said with a sad tone

"It's okay b-Daisy" Jane accidently called Daisy Babe amd Jane is turning a straweberry face

"Don't say sorry it's okay and thank you" Yeonwoo thanking Daisy because Nancy accident kiss Yeonwoo on the lips

"Thank you for what?" Daisy ask

"Nothing just forget about what i said" Yeonwoo blush

"Your thanking Daisy because Nancy accidently kissed you on the lips?" Taeha said with a tease tone

"Hajima!" Yeonwoo blushed

"Yiieeee your wish is granted Yeonwoo" Jane said made Nancy and Yeonwoo blush

"Excuse me i need to sleep is already late" Yeonwoo run towards to the second floor and go to the room Yeonwoo put a pillow on her face and scream

"AHHHHH! its too close!" Yeonwoo screamed with a blush on her face

Daisy yawn and put her head on Jane's shoulder when Jane notice the girl is sleeping she decide to carry her toward on their room

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