Carpe Diem

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               Hey everyone!  This is going to start out a little bit slow, but I promise it will pick up. If you aren't a 'horsey person', don't read, because only people who know (or want to know) horses will understand/like/actually find good :P I welcome critisism and tips!  Please Comment, Vote, and Fan!!! I will upload as much as possible, but I'm busy a lot, so I can't guarantee tons of uploads.  It also is my second story, so if you like my writing style, check out "The Myran." I do need a cover photo for this, so anyone can make one. Just message me!!  i hope you enjoy!! Happy reading! <3 

p.s. I will upload 2nd chapter when i get some reads/comments.  I don't want to be writing if no one is going to read.  So please comment (:

 “But all you do is sit there.  The horse does all the work.  I can’t believe you call it a sport!” Erica laughed.  “So, if I just sit there, how does the horse know where to go?  You think they just do that by themselves?” I asked.  People like this always made me mad.  I mean, seriously, they obviously hadn’t ridden a horse before. “When I rode, all I had to do was sit there.  You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She laughed some more.  “Oh.  So where did you ride?” I asked.  “Joseph Meadows.” Joseph Meadows was the city’s local hacking trail.  I rolled my eyes.  “Whatever.” “You’re just jealous!” she snapped, mad at my dismissal.  I let it go through one ear and out the other.  No one would know unless they actually rode.  I grabbed my text books out of my locker and made my way to the last 2 periods, Chem and Physics.  Yay… My favorites-note the sarcasm.  I walked in the room and sat in the back, holding the seat next to me for my best friend Emma.  When she walked in, I met her eyes and pointed at the chair next to me.  She smiled and came to sit by me.  “Hey girl.  Wanna come over after school?” She whispered as Ms. Lawrence started class.  “Can’t.  Have 3 lessons.” “What about after?” “Dude, do you know how tired I’m gonna be? It’s gonna have to be this weekend or sometime.  Sorry.” I said back.  Emma knew what it was like to be dedicated to a sport.  She understood better than anyone else did.  That’s why we could be friends; she knew I was under serious training and my social life came last.  I turned my attention to Ms. Lawrence.  My parents had always made it clear that I could only ride if I kept my grades up.  I definitely wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but I kept high 80’s through 90’s.  Only 2 more years of school, I’d tell myself when I’d get over-whelmed.  I jotted down more notes and strained to stay awake.  She is honestly the most boring teacher out there.  She spoke in a low monotone manly voice and she would just write notes on the board.  That was her class.  Then she’d make us do a lab then it would be back with droning on and on about bonds etcetera.  When the bell finally rang, I gladly jumped out of my chair and ran out, to the physics classroom.  Fun. 

                I hated physics just as much as I hated chemistry.  But for complete opposite reasons.  Mr. S was insane.  I know they say that all science teachers have to be a little off their rockers, but he brought a whole new meaning to it.  He would get into an excited stage and he’d be demonstrating, for example, gravitational forces.  So he’d get a weight and chuck it at a table and the table would crack.  Or he’d not use a weight, he’d use his fist and the table broke in half (legit).  Oh and we can’t forget the time he put a fork in the microwave for the whole class just to see what would happen.  He’d shout and cuss and give us the finger because he thought it was funny.  The worst part was though; he was really French so when he’d be giving a lecture, he’d randomly break off into French and we couldn’t understand a word he was saying then he’d switch back to English then back again.  But to the final line, past all his craziness, he was an okay teacher.  Not the best out there, but we learnt what needed to be learned in due time.  When the dismissal bell rung, I escaped quickly but not without a headache.  Every time I left his class my head would be pounding.  I stuffed my binders and books into my bag, grabbed my purse and phone out of my locker, and then ran towards my black 3500 Dually Dodge Ram pickup truck.  Guys would always stare at me as I would climb in, in jealousy.  I wasn’t hated at school, but I definitely wasn’t in the popular group.  I have friends, I have had boyfriends, but in the end, I break up with them because I just didn’t have the time and they don’t understand my “I have to ride all day today to prepare for the show this weekend” talk. Then they complain so I invite them along, but then they complain the whole time we are there so it’s just easier if I ride solo.   I don’t mind, who needs boys anyways? They just make your life way more complicated than it needs to be.   I started my truck and waited for the rest of my fellow students to get out of my way.  On the way home, I stopped by Sonic and got me a Route 44 PowerAde slush. All I had to say there was “It’s Liv!” and they’d bring me my stuff. It had been my routine stop since forever.  When I finally got home, I ran to my room and pulled on a pair of black VTO Jods with a leather seat and a Navy Blue collared Polo Shirt.  I put on an Ariat belt and threw my medium length brown hair into a messy bun.  Grabbing a black plastic hair elastic, I flew down the stairs and grabbed an apple and a granola bar.  “I’m heading to the barn!  Be back late!” I shouted up to my mom.  “Do you have homework?” she shouted back.  “Yep! I’ll get it done after I promise!” “Olivia… Keep those grades up!” she scolded.  “I do, Mom!  I really gotta go! I’m gonna be late if I don’t.” I pleaded, heading towards the door.  “Text me on your way back!” “Yes Ma’am!” I ran out the door and back into my truck.  I started the engine and tore off down our neighborhood road.  Oak Creek Stables was only 15 minutes down the road, but I was always rushing to get there so I could have at least 30 minutes to groom the first guy on my list to ride.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2012 ⏰

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