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''Say no more'' Cardo said tying up his locks, then rolling up his sleeves, revealing his tattoos looking at the lifeless bloody body lying on the bed.

''Grab the bleach, bring 2 rags and a mop, don't touch anything else'' He ordered, while taking out 2 of pair gloves, ''matter of fact put these on'' he said throwing me a pair.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably, trying to put the gloves on, he turns to me grabbing my cheeks giving me a light slap on my cheek with his hands, then shook me harshly.

''Focus Desi'' He said, looking into my eyes, giving me a peck on the lips. ''I gotch you aight''

I nodded, going downstairs for the supplies he asked for. I felt like a zombie, it's almost as if my emotions were turned off. I was numb.

After we cleaned up the place, got rid of our tracks, we made it look as if he got robbed and killed. Cardo drove me to my apartment, He turned off the engine, then rest his hands on the steering wheel.

''Do you wanna talk about it?'' he asked, taking out a blunt, lighting it then take a puff

''Dejah and Cookie took over'' I said softly. ''He fucked me''

''No Desi, he raped you, if he didn't Cookie wouldn't have taken over.''

I've developed 2 personality when I was 14 to endure pain and to distract me from loneliness, I let Dejah take over, sometimes she just takes over without my consent, but since I don't have to deal with the world I let her, that's my opportunity of an off button whenever my uncle was raping me and when I have sex with random guys.

Cookie is the hot head she forces me to do bad things, even though she said it's best for me, Cookie hurts people who hurts me. It's like a sudden adrenaline rush, whenever I let her take control.

''It's not rape if I like it'' scoff, I mumbled, scolding myself.

''Desiree listen to me sometimes, it's a normal body reaction, you weren't in control, you didn't give him the consent, to have sex with you, therefore it's a non-consensual sex'' He replied

''I should have been the one to kill him'' He exhaled, clenching his fist tightly. 'Did you take your pills?''

I looked on my lap, playing with my fingers ''No'' I mumbled.

''Desi, you know you can't miss a day with your pills'' He sighed, ''please take your pills and take care of yourself, I won't always be here, I have to leave to catch my flight'' he said. ''You want me to come inside?'' he turned to me while squeezing my leg a gently. ''Say the word and I'm yours I'll stay with you''

I shook my head, ''No its okay you have a plane to catch, plus I'd rather to be by myself anyways' replied, opening the car door.

''I missed you'' I whispered.

Ricardo and I kinda have an on and off relationship he's the only one who knows about my personality disorder, this is the 3rd time I actually killed someone, he's always been there for me, so I don't end up in prison. Tia doesn't know about us and she never will. I really like Ricardo, but I can't be with him, I'm toxic he deserves someone better, I won't allow myself to hurt him, it would be too ironic, I would be the cause of Tia's cousin and her brother's death.

''Come here'' He said softly, leaning over tugging my hand.

He leaned over slowly biting his lips looking at me with those captivating eyes, that look he always give me that makes my pussy wet. He kissed me softly on the lips, then my cheeks then my forehead and finally my neck.

''Goodnight, remember to take your pills and get some rest, I love you, you know that'' he said.

I nodded, and peck him on the lips. ''Thanks again''

Walking out of his car, going into my dark, quiet apartment.

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