Chapter 12

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The day had finally arrived, their wedding day, and one Severus Snape was pacing in his living room. The couch in that living room was occupied by Draco Malfoy, nursing a glass of firewhisky, with a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

"You are going to wear a hole in the floor, Godfather." Draco said coolly, causing the older man to stop momentarily and glare at him before he returned to his pacing.

"He's Harry bloody Potter!" Severus exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation, not stopping his pacing. "Who knows what he wants with an ex-death eater! Because Merlin knows, he could do a hell of a lot better!" He continued, breathing heavily, his thoughts stressing him out even more than he already was.

Draco snorted, sipping at his drink again. "I doubt he wants anyone else. Regardless on what he may deserve. Though there are times I'm unsure of if he is good enough for YOU."

Snape stopped again, arching a questioning eyebrow at his god son. "He's quite literally saved the entire world, Draco." He drawled "Really, would anyone be good enough for me in your eyes?" He asked fondly, letting a smile pass over his lips.

"No one really. Which is why the fact that you want HIM makes him just right for you." Draco smiled

Severus hummed at Draco's round about approval and continued his pacing. "What if he decides I'm not what he wants, not what makes him happy?" He asked with his face still neutral. Anyone besides Draco, except Harry, wouldn't be able to pick up on the truly terrified tone in the older Slytherin's voice.

"How is being married going to change the day to day. I've seen you two together and the bloody savior looks at you like you hung the sun and moon."

Severus Finally stopped pacing, running a hand down his face as he unceremoniously plopped down on the other end of the couch with a sigh.

"Its okay." Draco reached out to clasp his shoulder. "He loves you."

Severus nodded stiffly, snatching the drink from Draco's other hand and downing it in one drink before standing up again.

Draco laughed. "Brush your teeth. You don't want him smelling that."

Severus rolled his eyes, grabbing his suit as he made his way to his bedroom to change into his tux.


Harry wasn't fairing much better, chewing on his thumbnail as he paced.

"Harry, really, you need to calm down." Hermione said smartly "It won't help anything." She reasoned with him.

"But mine what if he changed his mind?" Harry whimpered

"He hasn't, Harry" she reassured him with a smile.

Harry clutched at his hair. "Why would he want ME??"

Hermione sighed, standing up and placing her hands on his shoulders, physically stopping his infernal pacing. "You're amazing, Harry." She soothed.

"I'm really not" Harry whispered

Hermione frowned slightly. "He looks at you like you're the only one in the room, Harry." She explained "I've never seen him look that way at anyone in the time I've known him." She reassured him.

"I'm scared." He admitted softly. "I want it so bad. What if he doesn't?"

"Oh Harry " she sighed, hugging her friend close, trying to comfort him. "He's so in love with you. He's a serious man, he wouldn't ask if this wasn't truly what he wanted"

Harry soaked up the hug, taking a deep breath.

Hermione rubbed  his back soothingly "you best get dressed. Don't want to be late for your own wedding." She joked

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