Battle of Saunders

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Staging area....

The morning of the battle, Jay was uneasy. He woke up at the crack of dawn and he couldn't go back to sleep. He decided to get up for the day and check on his tank, as well as the others. When he got up, he noticed that Pascal and Cody were also up, since their spots were empty. He got changed into his battle uniform, forest camouflage shirt, jacket and sweat shorts. Also took his Uzi with with, just in case.

He saw the two talking with each other, Pascal dressed in his battle uniform, that of a british officer. He was sporting the olive drab green, while cody was wearing the uniform common of modern leopard tankers. They turned to face Jay as he approached.

"So the bear rises from his slumber." Pascal said in a sort of philosophical way.

"Wouldn't that be you? You are the one in a soviet tank afterall." Jay said, slapping him on the back.

"Alright, you two. We might as well discuss our plan of engagement while we wait for the others to wake up." Cody said, hopping down from the Panther.

"Alright, hopefully right from thee start your team will separate from the group and find a nice ambush position. Pascal your group would charge right up the middle. With your armor you shouldn't have to worry about other tank penetrating. Then, 1-2 and I will make a wide flank around the enemy completely cutting them off from any reinforcements." Jay explained.

"What about our air support? I heard Saunders has quite the air force." Pascal said.

"I made sure our Uhu's have Mustang escort. Besides i doubt they'll use their air power against us." Jay said, confidently.

"Yeah, and what if they do?" Cody asked.

"Then our Uhu's and mustangs will be taking down some planes."

An Hour later...

By this time everyone on the team was up and ready. Pascal was telling some stories from home in the states to the girls sitting at his table, cody was more or less trying to just talk with someone. Meanwhile, Jay was explaining his plan to Miho.

"I like it,but it seems a bit aggressive don't you think?" Miho replied.

"Come on, Miho, Let's give it a shot. Our tanks are used to maneuvering in heavy forestry. And that's just because of birthplace and training." Jay said, trying to convince her.

"Well, I had a plan already set, but i think we can incorporate each others plans with each other." She said. "What's the name for this operation?"

"Operation Evergreen, why?" Jay asked. She looked at him, confused why he chose the name of a type of tree. She laughed it off and began eating her breakfast before the match. With all the boys and girls it looked like a school picnic. Jay took a bite out of his croissant roll and looked at all the food he had piled onto his plate. THe other girls sitting next to him watched in disbelief as he ate the whole plate of food.

"What, i'm a heavy eater." Jay said. The girls all turned away and pretended that whatever just happened didn't happen.

"Uh-oh, look at Jay." Cody whispered to Pascal. He turned to see Jay walk away from the table and sit on the ground near the tanks. That's when he got the bright idea to hop onto the M18 and spotting a radio balloon.

"Those cheeky cunts..." Jay ran back to the breakfast area. When he arrived,he saw most of the crews getting ready to mount their tanks. "Miho! They're listening!" she turned to Jay.


"There's a wire tapped balloon! They can hear us!" Jay was wheezing and coughing when he caught up to her. "They're....Listening....whew...i'm tired..." Miho knew she had to change some of her plans, and she knew that Jay wouldn't want to, so she decided to keep it to herself.

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