2. That's Weird...

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It was currently 4:30 am. That's right, AM as in THE CRACK OF DAWN. I yawned and looked at my mom, she threw me a chocolate covered peanut butter gronola bar and handed me my blue water bottle. 

"Why couldn't AK come and pick me up this afternoon instead of us getting up at this ungodly hour?" I moaned. "I told you hunny, the airport I'm flying out of is near AK's ranch. It's killing two birds with one stone." my mom started the engine of our cute little Kia and we headed off. I stayed awake to hangout with my mom for awhile, then I dozed off. In what seemed like 4 minutes, I was awakened to a blast of cool air and a pair of arms rapped tight around my neck. "Hi AK, nice to see you too." I stepped out of the car and hugged my aunt properly. Her name was Kim, but everyone called her Aunt Kimmy, or AK for short. "You've grown up so much! Look at you.. the boys must be going bananas and the girls must be so jealous. Your outfit is marvelous too hun, oh my. You're gonna have to get me up to date on all of this teeny bopper stuff." She winked at me, off to a great start. My mom helped me take my stuff in and she hung around for awhile until she absolutely had to go. I walked her out.

"Be good, okay hunny? Be nice to AK, don't talk to strangers, don't talk to any boys, and I'll be back soon. I love you so much Ali-cat." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Now you don't get together with any guys unless they look like Chris Evans. Don't take a new job unless it's better than the old one, stay safe, don't talk to any strangers, and relax and have fun. I love you too mommy." She laughed and hugged me through the window again. "I won't hook up with any guys, okay?" I winked at her. "Come on Ali, I don't do that." "Suuure" I winked again. "Alexandra!" "Okay mom, you don't. Sorry." I smiled at her. "I love you mommy." "I love you more." She said as she drove away. "Because you're bigger!" I shouted as she drove the rest of the way out to the road, took a right, and was gone. I sighed and went back inside to take a nap. 

After a few hours I woke up to the smell of food. I looked at the bedside clock and saw that it was 1 pm. Wow. I slept late. I stretched, yawned, and went into the kitchen. "Good morning sleepy head! How was your nap?" "Amazing." I responded "What are you making?" "Mom's homemade lasagna!" My mouth watered. I LOVED my grandma's homemade lasagna. "Afterwards I was thinking maybe we could go catch a movie or go shopping!" "How about both?" "Sure hunny! Whatever you want!" "Thanks AK! I'll check to see what movies are playing." "Okay, sounds good. But before you do that, could you go and check my mail for me?" "Sure thang." I walked out of the house and out to the road. There was a pretty long driveway from the ranch to the street, but not excruciatingly far. Just a nice walk. I heard barking and turned around. "BABE!" I yelled, and the goldren retriever came running towards me. I bent down to meet her and she licked my cheek. "Where's Pudding?" I asked Babe. As soon as the question left my mouth, Pudding came running as well. I smiled and hugged her too. These dogs were my life up here. I named them when I was 7 because AK let me. I was so orignal with the names. Babe for a goldren retriever, and Pudding for a brown retriever. 

"Come on guys!" and they followed me to the mailbox. I got the mail and turned to walk back to the house when I saw a cute blonde boy riding on the street on a skateboard. I smiled, and he waved back with a smile too. Awh, his teeth were kinda crooked. How cute was that? I blushed. "Come on Pud!" I signaled to Pudding, "We're gonna go have lasagna!" Pudding LOVED lasagna, so she ran as fast as she could back to the house. I began to run with her. 

When we reached the house I handed AK her mail and she reciprocated with a plate of steaming lasagna, salad, and a cup of juice. My stomach growled in response and I hungrily took the plate to the table. I said a quick Grace and then dug in, and oh my, it was delicious. The number one good thing about going to AK's house: The food is spectacular. 

"Someone was hungry.." she said to me. I looked up at her with a mouth full of lasagna and salad and shrugged my shoulders, she laughed at me. We had a nice late lunch, cleaned up our mess, and decided what movie to go see. We changed, freshened up, and were out thedoor. Aunt Kim let me drive, since I have my permit, and I did amazing. Our movie was at 4:30 so we had 2 hours to kill at the mall. We went window shopping, bought a few shirts here and there, went to the jewlery outlet, got some nice jeans, and AK even got a super cute pair of flats. Say what you want, but country malls are actually amazing. Once we had finished our little browse, we decided to stop and get some ice cream before the movie, which was fine by me. 

We walked up to Haagen-Das and I ordered a 2 scoop sugar cone of Mint Chocolate Chip and Rocky Road. It sounds gross, but they're my two favorite flavors so I think it's amazing. AK got Butter Pecan and Chocolate Swirl. We paid and sat down to eat and chit cat. I was casually looking around and I practically choked on my ice cream when I saw the blonde haired boy from earlier today sitting in a booth about 20 feet away from me. Why was he here? Was he stalking me? Is that why his hood was up and he had sunglasses on? I was about to go talk to him when AK pulled my arm and said "I know the boys here are cute, but we have to get going if we're gonna catch our movie!" I sighed and got up. I threw my paper away, wiped my face, and looked back at the blonde boy again. He took off his glasses, smiled at me again, put them back on, and walked out of the food court. 

"That was weird.." I said under my breath. 

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