Broadened Minds

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Once their eyes locked, she could not look away. Under the Veil the woman allowed herself a smile, as a glazed and distant look slowly appeared in her young victim's eyes

She knew that the young blonde woman in her shorts and tiny t-shirt was a disgrace and offended her beliefs. Having the female infidel under the control of the Veil was now the only way forward for her. Taking the hand of the semi-clad woman, the Veiled woman led her to a discreet and private room. The young woman now offered no resistance, her eyes softly closed.

Once in the room, the young woman just stood there. The veiled woman simply picked up a black headscarf and placed it around the woman's uncovered head, a soft moan escaped her red painted lips. The Veiled woman smiled to herself, knowing that soon this misguided woman would be just like her.

"Open your eyes, child" said the Veiled woman, and the young woman did as she was told. She stared into the mesmerizing, green eyes of the Veiled woman as she wrapped the scarf around her face and nose. With the face Veil in place, the two women looked identical from the neck up. A robe was placed around the shoulders of the young woman to hide her figure. The Veiled woman stood back and looked at her work. The young woman looked exactly like her now, expect her eyes were blue.

The young woman's long blond straight hair, which she must have taken hours to comb each day was hidden under her head scarf. Her painted red lip now hidden under the veil, her near naked body now covered by a long robe.

"Welcome my sister, welcome to the Sisterhood of the Veil" said the woman as she led her blue eyed sister out of the room and into the service of the Veil.

"Welcome my sister, welcome to the Sisterhood of the Veil" said the woman as she led her blue eyed sister out of the room and into the service of the Veil

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"Thank you, dearest Sister, for converting me, for revealing that this is the natural choice for all women, no matter how free spirited they may be." The blue eyed sister spoke softly, facing her older Sister. She was smiling her covered lips brilliantly beneath the firm, spicy smelling fabric across her face.

"It is what had to be done, you had to see the truth and beauty of the Veil."

The older Sister expressed in a delighted tone, as warm as the summer sands. The young eyes of her new Sister was filled with allure and excitement, much like her own eyes were when she fully embraced her veil during puberty, so long ago. She had been born into it, and her daughter was too. It was those who were not born into their own veils that she pitied. Though infidels who walked around half naked so shamelessly were veiled for such disgraceful behavior, which was something only the Veil could rectify.

The soft rubbing of her new Sister's gloved thumbs upon the back of her hands brought her back from her daydreaming.

"My Sister, I have a friend here. She is dressed as I was. I... We should help her see the way of the Veil, we should help her embrace the Sisterhood." The younger woman spoke passionately, almost as if she were begging. Her eyes were full of a mixture of desire, despair, and pity: moreover, her hands were clamped upon the older woman's, as if the thought of letting go would mean that she is leaving her friend behind.

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