Part 1: the meeting

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Halloween Lovestruck

By: Rachel Knab & Brittney Riley

            Two girls Rachel and Brittney were in Orlando Florida for the week of Halloween. They started walking the shoreline walking towards the strip, they were trying to figure out what they were going to do that night. They wanted to go to a movie but then, they thought about the universal Orlando Florida Halloween horror nights. They looked it up on the internet and found out that they have six or seven different haunted houses and a corn maze. So, they decided to go to the haunted houses, but they also went to a scary movie. 

 Before they went to the movies, they decided to go to one of the stores on the strip to find a cute outfit for tonight. Rachel found a cute chemical romance crop top, a black leather jacket, some black and white shorts, and black and white vans. She then found a cute belly button ring to go with her outfit. Brittney found a southside serpent's crop top and some red high-waisted shorts and red and white vans; she also found a snake belly button ring. After they leave the store, they go to the hotel to get dressed before the movies.  

They were going to see the new Halloween movie. The movie starts at 8:00 that night so they get ready for the movie. After the movie, they go to the haunted houses at 10 that night. The tickets were $60. They paid and went in. They went to the first house they saw, that was the trick ‘r treat house. They were behind 5 of the cutest guys they had ever seen, but only one of them caught Rachel's eyes.  

He had short brown hair he had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. He was wearing a red and black long-sleeved flannel and black skinny jeans that had rips on the knees. He also had 2 rings on his right hand, a skull ring, and one that had a black stripe going around it. The guys go in first then Rachel and Brittney go in a few seconds later. The first few jump scares did not scare Rachel and Brittney but there was one that came up behind Rachel and grabbed her by the arm, she shook her arm free from their grip and took off running leaving Brittney behind, she was not watching where she was going.  

The next thing she knew she was bumping into someone; they both fell to the ground. The person she bumped into got up first. She looked up at a hand waiting for her to grab, then she looked past the hand to see that it was the boy with the blue eyes. As he pulled her up, she just stared into his eyes. 

 “I'm so sorry one of the people grabbed me and I wasn't watching where I was going." Rachel said trembling   

 “it's ok they scared you” the cute guy insured her 

“I’m not used to them grabbing you where I'm from they can't grab you” Rachel explains  

She stopped for a second  

“I'm sorry my name is Rachel what's yours" she asked  

"it's nice to meet you Rachel mine is Colby, Colby Brock" Colby replied  

“Well, it's nice to meet you too Colby Brock” she said chuckling  

"Would you like to finish the haunted house with us" Colby asked  

"Sure, let's go." Rachel said  

They finished going through the haunted house together, they talked about where they were from and what they liked to do for fun. After they got done talking and they were out of the house they went to one of the concessions stands and got a funnel cake. Brittney finally got out of the haunted house; she went to find them. As she was looking for them, she saw Cole Sprouse in the corner of her eyes. Then she saw Rachel and Colby. She walked up to them and asked Rachel a question. 

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