Stupid Snow

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The snow never seemed to stop falling for Can. He watched it fall when he and Tin had arrived at the airport, and now he watched it from their hotel window. At first, he had loved the idea of snow with how beautiful it looked when it fell. But now as he looks out into the white covered streets of London, he can't help but hate it. Because of the stupid snow, he is stuck inside instead of being able to explore England with his boyfriend. 

Can doesn't even realize when his face falls into a heavy pout. Since dating Tin, Can's pouting has reduced to only when he really wants something from the other(like kisses while Tin is attempting to work). He doesn't even really have a reason to pout now. Of course, he is grateful that he is here and safe with Tin, but something about being stuck inside all day puts him down. 

Lost deep in his thoughts, Can barely notices when Tin walks up behind him. It's not until two strong arms curl around his stomach that he lets himself come back to reality. He leans back into the new warmth, reaching behind him to play with Tin's soft hair. 'He must have blow dried it today.' The sweet action makes Tin melt into the shorter's back. His face finds home in the delicate skin of his neck and he nuzzles it gently with his nose. 

"Why the long face, my dear?" A sweet whisper breaks the silence between them but keeps the rare peaceful moment. Can feels joy fill his heart knowing that Tin is so sweet with him. 

"I'm not pulling a face, you're just blind." Tin's eyes roll to the back of his head as he chuckles sarcastically. 

"Very funny, Cantaloupe. You're too quiet, which means you're thinking and we know what happens when you do that." He kisses Can's cheek in reassurance even though they both know he is just teasing. 

"Thinking is for losers like you. I'm too cool to think." 

"Oh, that's why I had to help you with your math homework every day last semester."

Can wiggles his way around until he is facing Tin with a loving smile. Slowly he reaches up on his tiptoes to plant a kiss against his lips. Eagerly, Tin leans into the kiss. 

"Shut up, Ai Asshole. You enjoyed helping me because you got to kiss me when I got the answers right anyway." Thinking back to the memory, Tin smiles fondly. It was his idea to give the kisses as a reward. So what if it was selfish? Can ended up passing the class with the highest grades his family had ever seen from him. "You'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"I would, but that still doesn't explain the pout. Come on, baby, tell me what's wrong." Tin pleads down to Can who is absentmindedly playing with his sweater. 

"Nothing is wrong. I just..." Can stops, but Tin silently encourages him to continue by rubbing his forearms soothingly. "I guess I was hoping to go out and explore, but the stupid snow got in the way. You said you had all these places to show me from when you lived here before, and I really wanted to see that part of your life." 

His words trail off as he waits for Tin to laugh at him for being so silly. 'Great, now you sound like a brat when he took you out here on this nice trip. I bet he wants to leave right now because of yo-' Can's negative thoughts are pulled away from him as Tin pulls him into his tight embrace. 

Tin pulls Can so hard that his head collides with Tin's chest. It isn't hard enough to hurt him, but it definitely made him jump. Once he gets over the initial shock of the quick movement, Can wraps his arms around Tin's waist. 

"You're perfect." Can scuffs at Tin in annoyance. 

"I'm just being overdramatic. Don't worry about it." 

This time Can wiggles free from the tight embrace and goes to walk away, but Tin gently grabs his hand. He stops walking, yet his head stays facing the expensive tile. They relish in the feeling of intimacy for a moment longer before Tin lets go to cup Can's face. 

"First of all, you are always dramatic and I love it. Second, I always worry about you even when I can see you are standing right in front of me. Don't expect that to change any time soon, Baby. Third, you are perfect because you want to see something important to me so bad, that you are pouting. And you think that I'm mad at you for it, which is ridiculous." His thumb grazes the chubby cheek it's holding before moving onto tracing pink lips. One, two, three quick pecks are granted upon the awaiting lips. "I love you." 

"I love you more." Can whispers as he leans up again to brush his lips against Tin's. He stops just before they touch with a cheeky smile. "I love you more, but I don't feel like standing on my tip toes anymore." Suddenly he pulls away and begins walking away. 

"Baby," Tin whines, "I can come down to your height! Come back!" 

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