excite him

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i guess this is more of a preference (:

  There are multiple ways to turn him on. Especially when it came to you, his one and only.


During the moment of intimacy when you're completely under his control, you bending at his will, being almost owned by him. He likes seeing you bare and raw, not bothering to hide any emotion you were feeling.


  It sounded silly when we admitted it, you merely taking it as a joke. But you second guessed your thoughts when his attention was drawn to your legs before anything else. They're smooth and soft and one of his favourite features of you.


  Disgusting, spine tingling, on occasion relationship ruining jealously, he loved it on you. He lived for seeing you so worked up over a female or male flirting with him. Your guard is up and you stand your ground despite a wild height difference. He loves your anger, he loves your willingness to take down anyone.

Lip Bites

  Gosh he loved your lips, more than anything. You'd mostly bite your lip if you were thinking, concentrating hard on your projects, you never even noticing him staring at you. He didn't tell you, doesn't plan on it either, he loves seeing you do it involuntarily, without the intention of driving him crazy.

extremely short chapter i know, ive been busy and haven't been able to properly brainstorm ideas
this was entirely improvised

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