Part 5

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((HEY GUYS! I am so sorry for not being active. This account was the creation of me and a friend after somebody hacked and got my very first account deleted. However, after a VERY long hiatus, I am back and better than ever. I'd like to thank anyone who stuck here for all this time.))

Korra woke up with a start a few hours later. The girl quickly looked to her side, wincing at a needle that seemed to be putting some weird fluid into her. The girl's eyes traveled up to the person doing the dirty work, and her eyes narrowed at the nurse. "Get it out. Now," Korra commanded, her brow furrowed. "I didn't consent to being stabbed with some weird..... mini knife thing," she mumbled, moving to sit up as the nurse simply obliged. The nurse bowed before rushing out of the room, and Korra finally got herself into an upright position.

Asami strolled in, seeming a little more awake than usual. The raven-haired girl smiled as she saw Korra. "Hey! How'd you sleep?" She asked.

Korea shrugged, looking around "I want to go back to the corporation," she said, rather stubbornly, and pouted.

Asami sighed, shaking her head. "Korra, you need rest. You could've died," she mumbled, walking over to the shorter female and sitting on the edge of her bed. "Besides, Mako and Bolin-"

"I don't care about Mako and Bolin. I'm sure at least one of them is running it really well, but I'm concerned about my uncle," Korra interrupted. "He easily overpowered me, so how long until he gets the rest of us?" She asked, a look of worry crossing her face.

Asami took one of Korra's hands, kissing the knuckle. "That shouldn't be on your mind, right now," she said, giving her girlfriend her own frown. "You really need to rest. He overpowered you, yes, but he'll do it again and again if you don't give yourself time to heal," Asami said calmly, setting Korra's hand down again. "Besides, I'm sure the guild is fine," Asami said, smiling reassuringly.

The guild was not fine.

Hearts Aflame- A KorrAsami Fan Fiction (Sequel to Heart of Ice)Where stories live. Discover now