Chapter 3

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"Dad's going to be considered for probation."

The word's repeated in my head as they sunk in. No. No! They couldn't give such a fowl man a chance to freedom. They couldn't let him back in our lives like it was nothing.

"What? No! They can't!" I was fuming. My brother nodded and brought me in for a hug. "He can't be let out, Ryder!"

"I know, believe me I know," I crumpled up his shirt in my hands and let out a sigh. He did so much to hurt our family and he was just going to be let out like that. He hurt everyone, even if it was never always physical.

"When is he going to court?" I asked. We let go of the hug and Ryder ran a hand through his hair.

"In three weeks." I felt for my brother, I really did. The pain that my dad put my brothers through was enough to traumatize them.

"Does Jax know?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"How should I know? He hasn't talked to me ever since he left," the words dripped with hatred and my heart ached for my brother. Once my brother, Jax, was old enough he left the house and left Ryder to deal with my dad alone. Once Jax left, he never came back and he never bothered trying to contact us ever again.

"You should get to school," my brother pushed past me and I frowned. I heard his door slam shut and I set my lips in a straight line, ignoring the ache I felt. Letting my brother be, I was off to school.

My thoughts raced with different things and I couldn't help it as I raced through to school, speeding up. I calmed down when I reached the school but I still couldn't help the thoughts of him being back out in the world when he really should stay in jail forever. I ignored the people around me and me and ignored their stares. I almost forgot I had a cut on my lip.

I kept a blank expression as I walked in the school and almost threw open my locker. I grabbed my things and turned around only to be met with the beauty herself, Daisy. I mentally groaned but kept quiet as her and her posy circled me.

"Why hello there!" She chirped up. "What do you have there?" She flicked my lip and I kept my words to myself. My day was just getting worse by the minute and her being her isn't making it any better. I was itching to say something back, itching to slap her, itching to do anything to ruin her pretty face.

"Did your brother follow in his dads footsteps and hurt you?" She pouted, her posy laughing. My rage was just fueled by this. How dare she bring something like that up. My hands were itching to get at her. I stuffed my hands behind me and folded them into fists, my nails digging into my skin. I could feel the eyes of students passing by and stopping for a few seconds to see what I would do.

"C'mon Adalia, you can tell me anything," she mocked me and my anger rose. That is it! I'm done with her. How dare she! My mouth opened, ready to pounce on her with my venom dripped words but I was stopped. The bell rang. She looked up and frowned. "I guess our little visit ends here, I'll talk to you later!"

She walked away and her posy followed. Actually, as she walked away so did everyone else. They scurried off to their classes and I just stood there. I stared at the bland colored walls of the school and sighed. I unfolded my hands from the fist and examined the damage. My nails did enough to break through the first couple layers of skin but it didn't draw blood.

I felt eyes on me and I couldn't help but look down the hallway, seeing a figure turn the corner. I ignored the person and walked on to class, I knew there was no point but I had to. I wish I was home so I could stay with my brother and comfort him.

I walked to class and waited in front of the door. You know, I could easily skip. I could easily just leave this school without a trace, but I didn't. I walked inside the room, my head down, and walked to my seat. I forced myself to avoid the stares and not make any witty comments.

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