Sal's Face

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the first time Larry saw Sal's actual face, had been an accident, not to say he hadn't tried to see it several times. he'd never actually wanted to see it the way he had. it had started as a normal day, he and Sal entering the school holding hands happily. they separated and headed to their lockers, which were eight or night lockers apart from each others. Larry had just opened his locker when Sal shouted.

"STOP! GIVE IT BACK!" Sal screamed. Larry turned around quickly. Travis was holding Sal's mask up in the air, just out of his reach. not that Sal tried to grab it, he was desperately trying to cover his face. "Travis stop it! give it back that's not funny!" Sal screamed. Larry walked over, throwing his hoodie at Sal, making sure to cover his face.

"hey! he said give it back." Larry hissed, shoving Travis.

"back? he wants it back?" Travis laughed. he slammed it on to the floor and stomped on it laughing harder.

"no!" Sal screamed, hiding in Larry's hoodie. thankfully his boyfriend was larger and the hood covered his face. the mask was in pieces.

"thats it you piece of shit!" Larry shouted, slamming Travis against the lockers hard. he punched Travis several times, holding him up by his neck. he wasn't sure is Travis passed out from the choking or if he was knocked out from the punching, but Larry didn't care. when the bully fell limp Larry threw him down, he slid across the floor. Larry turned to look at his boyfriend. it was more like a puddle of his hoodie with Sal hiding inside it. "come on Sally." Larry murmured. he scooped him up gently and raced out of the school. Sal was all but in tears. his mask was destroyed, he couldn't go anywhere. he was crushed, god he wanted to cry.


Sal curled up in Larry's lap, in his room. he refused to take off Larry's hoodie.

"Sally? you okay?" Larry ask softly, reaching to pull the hood off Sal's head.

"no!" Sal cried, pulling the hood tightly to himself.

"Sal?" Larry ask, holding him tighter. Sal's shoulders slowly started shaking slightly as he began to sob softly. Larry held him confused. "Sal whats wrong? are you crying because I tried to pull the hood off? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Larry murmured.

"I can't leave the building! I can't leave my room! I can't do anything! he broke my mask!" Sal sobbed. Larry hugged him tightly.

"hey no it's okay Sal." Larry said quickly. "you don't need a mask. it's okay." Larry assured him. Sal held tighter to the hood.

"you've never even seen my face you can't say that!" Sal cried. there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Larry? the school called and said you beat up another student." Lisa said. Larry sat Sal on his bed, then walked out of the room. he closed his door. "why did you beat another student? we've talked about this." Lisa said.

"Travis deserved it mom. he hurt Sal. he took his mask and broke it. he made him cry. I'll kill him if I ever fucking see him again." Larry growled. Lisa looked shocked.

"broke his mask?" Lisa ask worriedly. Larry sighed and nodded.

"he's too afraid to take my hoodie off. he won't uncover his head." Larry muttered. Lisa frowned and wondered off. she came back after a few minutes, something in her hands.

"here." Lisa said, holding a mask out to him.

"an old Mardi Gras mask?" Larry ask. it was a full face black mask. suddenly it dawned on him. he slipped back into his bedroom. "Sal, my mom found something for you." Larry said. Sal was hugging his knee's, he looked up face hidden by the hoodie, but Larry could see a stain on his hoodie. Larry didn't look at it, holding the black mask out to him. "it's nothing fancy, just an old Mardi Gras mask." Larry murmured. Sal stared at the mask. "I told her you were upset your mask was broken and she thought you could wear this." Larry explained walking over. he made sure not to look at Sal's face, he didn't want to upset him. Sal hesitantly reached out and grabbed the mask. he hesitantly put it on, then pulled the hood off. he looked at Larry, his eye's like a sad puppies as he waited for Larry to say something.

"it's a little small." Sal said quietly. Larry smiled at him.

"but it'll do for now right?" Larry ask. Sally nodded slightly.

"it'll have to. my dad probably won't get me a new mask." Sal sighed. Larry smiled at him.

"it's okay. it's a nice change." Larry smiled at him. Sal nodded slightly, reaching up under his mask to wipe his face with the sleeve of the hoodie. "oh yeah thanks. snot on my hoodie." Larry dead panned. Sal gave a slight laugh.

"I was wiping my eye's, asswipe." Sal muttered. Larry grinned at him, hugging him tightly. "I don't wanna go back to school Larry Sal muttered. Larry just smiled at him.

"then you don't have to." Larry smiled.


three weeks. it had been three weeks already. three weeks of Sal not having his mask. Larry was getting used to not having a hoodie anymore, but he had exciting news. Sal was curled up on Larry's been where he'd pretty much been since Larry brought him home. Larry suddenly burst into the room.

"Sally!" Larry shouted. Sal jerked up.

"Larry?" Sal ask confused.

"I got it! I finally got it!" Larry shouted. Sal stared at him confused until Larry held up a mask. Sal's heart sank in excitement. he jumped up from the bed, hood falling off and going unnoticed. Larry stared at Sal's face, he'd never actually seen his boyfriends face. Sal didn't even seem to notice as he ran over. Larry smiled and handed the mask to him. he even grabbed the hood gently and pulled it back over Sal's head. Sal seemed shocked, he turned turned his head quickly.

"you saw." Sal sighed. Larry shrugged giving his usual smile.

"I didn't see anything, except to a happy boyfriend, which is what I am to do." Larry smiled. Sal looked at him confused.

"you didn't mind?" Sal ask hesitantly.

"what about your face?" Larry ask. Sal nodded slightly. "nah, why would I? I love you." Larry shrugged.

"then why the new mask?" Sal ask, looking at him confused. Larry shrugged again.

"because I know it makes you feel better to wear it and I really miss you at school and how we just kinda sit in my room. it's nice because I'm with you, but its boring." Larry murmured. Sal turned his head away from him. "Sal?" Larry ask. Sal suddenly threw his arms around Larry's neck and kissed him deeply. Larry was quick to wrap his arms around Sal so he wouldn't just be hanging on his neck. he pulled back and Sal buried his face into Larry's neck.

"I fucking love you so much." Sal muttered, hugging him tightly. Larry smiled slightly and hugged him tightly.

"you're welcome." Larry smiled, kissing his forehead.


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