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I woke up to the salty air of the beach and the sun at the peak of the sky. Fayre and I must have fallen asleep on the beach in front of the fire. 

"Hey you" she said as she stretched her arms and legs before springing up from the lawn chair she had fell asleep in. Today I'm going to take you on a tour of the town. The town is rather small but there is so much to do. 

She grabbed my arm and we walked back to her condo and into her room which held this huge walk in closet. "This will do" she said while handing me a pair of white shorts, a light blue blouse, and a pair of funny looking shoes that apparently has a big piece of rubber that goes in between the toes. She threw her brunette locks into what she called a bun and handed me a stretchy thingy ma bob to pick my hair up off of my shoulders. 

After we got dressed we walked out into her driveway and got into a box that she called a car. At this moment I realized just how odd humans were. The only things I knew about humans were things my mother would tell me that she learned from my father. That's how I knew what coffee, shoes, dates, parks, and roasting marshmallows were. The rest was the beginning to a whole new world. 

We drove around the town and she pointed out different things while telling me what the different places were and giving me a brief history lesson about the town. She took me to this place called a mall that had so many shops all in one. My eyes began to widen as she took me to a variety of different shops to shop for my own clothes. 

The next place we stopped into was a nail salon. Apparently human females pay someone to decorate their nails. I decided to join her and see what it was all about.

"It's Saturday night, which means I have a date." Fayre began as she put her hands out on the table. "You are coming with us." 

I looked at her with a confused look on my face. "But I don't have a date. Besides isn't a date for a couple which is made up of two people?" 

"Not if it's a double date. Aden has a friend named Nolan. You two would be perfect for each other." She answered while examining her nails. 

I sat still in the chair and put my hands up on the table. I waited for the lady to shape my nails and put some kind of liquid that she called nail polish on them.

After both of our nails were done and dried we left the salon to go back to Fayre's condo. We had to get ready for our dates this evening. Fayre picked a pink sleeveless lace dress to wear and decided to curl her hair. 

I pulled my off shoulder floral sundress out of one of the mall shopping bags and slipped it on. I put my hair into a single braid and put on a pair of sandals. 

There was a knock at the door.

"That must be the guys" Fayre said as she walked to the front door to let them in.

In walked two guys. A dirty blonde and a brunette. I walked over to where everyone stood.

"Marina I'd like you to meet Aden" she explained pointing to the dirty blonde. Then she pointed to the brunette "and this is Aden's friend Nolan." 

"You"Nolan muttered while giving me a weird stare. "You're the one that ran into me on the beach." 

"Don't pay Nolan any attention. He doesn't know how to present himself in front of a lady." Aden chuckled. 

From his body language Nolan doesn't want to be on this date and I'm not even sure he likes being around me. I knew at that very moment that this would be one very awkward date.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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