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"Faster, Mr. Jarvis! Time is running out! "
"I'm trying as fast as I can, chief Sousa!"
The butler held the bomb still on the table while carefully typing the deactivation code on the keyboard. As each second passed, he felt drops of sweat falling down his forehead. Any wrong move and this base, the Lake Ontario and everything in the radius of 600 meters would blow up.

[Mr. Jarvis had just aided a team form the Strategic Scientific Reserve, led by Chief Daniel Sousa to rescue his friend Agent Peggy Carter from a group of criminals known as The Hive, and now was deactivating an atomic bomb designed by the Stark Industries, that the group stole from Howard Stark, and was planning to detonate in New York City.
For deactivating it, you had to enter a long code of numbers that only Howard Stark and Edwin Jarvis knew.]

"3333434343...." Jarvis kept tapping on the keyboard. Chief Sousa and Peggy Carter now stood beside him, watching out for any attacker.
"I'm almost done..." Mr. Jarvis told them.
But suddenly, the door of the elevator in front of them opened and three men walked out of it, transporting what seemed to be a huge, strange, pale gray rock, with a red stripe on it.
Why would they need that? It was just a rock after all, right? Was it? Something about it was slightly familiar to Mr. Jarvis though. But he couldn't let that distract him, he only had a few numbers left to type.
The three men spotted them.
"Well well look who we've got!" one of them said.
"Hands up! You're under arrest-" Chief Sousa said and pointed his gun at him.
The men ignored him.
"Let's test the weapon on one of them, like the boss ordered us" a second one told the first man.
"But on who?" the third one asked.
"The woman?-"
"No, the boss wants her in custody!"
"Agh! Then what about the one-leg?"
"Hey-" Agent Carter wanted to intervene, but the men just continued their talk.
"No, he might still be useful to us. Let's test it on the butler"
Mr. Jarvis only had 3 numbers left to type, when he suddenly remembered why did the rock seem familiar to him. He and Mr. Stark had done some research on rocks like that at some point. They were called Monoliths, and occasionally they could turn in liquid and swallow things inside it.
"Oh no.." His eyes widened in worry and fear.
"What? it's just a rock!? What can it do anyway?" Peggy said.
"uhhh... That's not entirely true...."
"What are you suggesting, Mr. Jarvis?"
"It's a Monolith.. "
"a Monolith?" Sousa asked him, confused.
"Yes.. Me and Mr. Stark did a research on Monoliths like this a while ago... They have the ability to change their state from solid to liquid and-"
He noticed that the men moved the Monolith closer to them. If it turned to liquid now, it would swallow them all in, and who knows what would happen after that. Most certainly death. He couldn't allow that to happen to his friends! He had to do something.
"You better back off, Miss Carter!!
These rocks can 'swallow' things inside!!" He warned them
"Yes" Mr. Jarvis nodded.
"Then don't just stand there, Mr. Jarvis, you'll get swallowed by the Monolith too!!"
"I still need to deactivate the bomb, or we'll all explode!"
"But Mr. Jarvis!!"
"Come on, Peggy, we need to go! It's too dangerous in here!" said Sousa, trying to convince Peggy to come.
Mr. Jarvis tapped the last two numbers from the deactivation code, but then he stood still, with widened eyes as he saw the Monolith turn into liquid and flow closer to him. He tried to back off, but it was too late.
"Mr. Jarvis!!! No!! "
He screamed as the Monolith swallowed him fastly untill it all faded to black...

Some minutes must have passed until he woke up. Or maybe hours. He couldn't tell. He couldn't even remember what happened in the last 20 seconds.
The butler opened his eyes. "Uh... Am I dead..? " he though, then he stood up slowly. The bomb was down on the floor, a few feet away from him. It seemed like it was deactivated. That was a good thing.
He looked around and found that he was in the same place as before. But, something was terribly wrong with this place. It was empty and abandoned. And nobody was there. The criminals were gone, the Monolith was gone too, but so were Miss Carter, Chief Sousa and the SSR team.
"Miss Carter?" He called, but no response, just a faint echo.
"Chief Sousa?"
Again, no response. Where could they be?
The butler wandered through the building, searching for the others, panicked.
"Miss Carter?! Miss Carter!!"
"Where did everybody go?"
Worried and panicked, he searched further. He found an open door that led to a corridor. 'Maybe they went that way..' he though, and entered the corridor. It was dark and hollow, as if no person had been there for years. At the end of the corridor there was another door, that led to a strange, large chamber.
"Miss Carter? Anyone!?" The butler called and looked around.
He noticed that this chamber was much different from the previous one. It was as if.. He wasn't in the Roxxon facility anymore. But how was that possible? He only remembered that he came in the Roxxon facility to rescue Peggy, and deactivate an atomic bomb, but then there was a blank in his memory and boom, he was here now.
Suddenly, he heard a faint sound of footsteps coming. "Hello?! Is anyone in here?" The butler called, hoping that it could be an SSR agent.
The footsteps became faster and louder, and in less than a minute, he could see a young man entering the room
"Hey you!! What are you doing here??!"
"Thank God there's someone in here!" Mr. Jarvis said, relieved. "Can you please tell me where I am? And where did everybody go?"
"Everybody who? Who are you??" the man asked confused.
"Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark's butler. Have you seen a team of SSR agents in here?"
"I don't know what's that supposed to mean, but the only agents here are SHIELD"
"Yes" the stranger replied with a sigh. "How did you even get in here?"
"I was in the Roxxon facility with an SSR team to rescue Miss Carter from some criminals, but then I cannot remember what happened... Strange, isn't it?"
"Maybe SHIELD will help you remember" the man said, then he took something that looked like a radio station, but slightly different, and called someone.
"Guys there's a stranger in the Lighthouse!" he reported
"How did he get in there?" a voice replied
"I don't know"
"is he armed?"
"No, but I'd still use some help"
"Okay, I'm coming"

Soon, a man and a woman came in the room. Mr. Jarvis looked at them, confused. The two were armed with guns
"Hey, you're coming with us!" the man said.
The butler raised his hands up as if he was getting arrested.
"This man claims not to remember how he got in here. And he said he's searching for some.. SSR agents, or watever he called them " the first man explained to the others.
"Deke, this isnt funny, we don't have time for this.." the new man said.
"I'm not joking, that's what he said!"
"Mack, Let's just take him to Coulson and see what he has to say" the woman suggested.
They looked at Mr. Jarvis then.
"Come on, let's go" Mack said.
"Excuse me, where are you taking me?" he asked, confused.
"To our boss" Deke said
"I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding.."
"We'll see about that.." Mack said, then the three strangers led Mr. Jarvis to another room. There he saw a man and two ladies talking something he couldn't catch. He saw that everybody had strange clothing, but he noticed something much weirded than that. There were some screens on the walls, with some images and text, but the images had color. That wasn't possible! Not even Mr. Stark could invent color television.
"Hey guys!" one of the ladies greeted the three "Who's that?" she asked as she acknowledged Mr. Jarvis' presence. "and how did he get in here?"
"That's what we're trying to figure out" Mack replied.
"Maybe he should introduce himself" the other woman said.
"I'm Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark's butler"
"Howard Stark? Wasn't his name Tony?" the other woman asked.
"His second name is Anthony but I doubt there is anyone who refers to him as Anthony or Tony" Mr. Jarvis said, confused
"No, Daisy, Howard is Tony's father" the man told her.
"Ohhh. But I thought he was dead?"
"Excuse me, what?" Mr. Jarvis asked the two
"Howard Stark died long ago, if you didn't know" the man said.
Mr. Jarvis widened his eyes in shock and grief. "He's... d-dead..? N-but how.. "
"you claim to be his butler but you don't know that he died?" Deke noted
"Hang on a minute, this name, Jarvis, sounds somewhat familiar.." the man said.
"You know him, Coulson?" Mack asked
"No, but I know the name Jarvis. Tony Stark created an artificial intelligence called JARVIS. Maybe this man has something to do with it"
"So you're suggesting he's a droid?" Deke said
"What? Deke, this is serious, it's no time for jokes!" Daisy told him.
"But it could be!"
"Guys." Coulson calmed them down, then looked again at the butler. "How did you get in here?" He asked
"I helped an SSR team to rescue Peggy Carter from a group of criminals in a Roxxon facility, and deactivate an atomic bomb, but then I can't remember what happened... And then I just got in here.."
"SSR? Peggy Carter?" Deke asked confused.
"The SSR was before SHIELD. And Peggy Carter died few years ago" Daisy stated
"Dude how much did you drink last night??" Mack said.
".. Miss Carter is.. dead...?" Mr. Jarvis gasped shocked. "Less than a hour ago I came to rescue her, but now she's dead..."
"You said less than a hour ago? Peggy Carter died in 2016!" Daisy said.
"Something's very wrong about this.." Coulson said.
"He's either lying, or... He's not from our time.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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