Holiday in LA

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Teegs POV

Victoria invited me to go to LA with the Beckhams we're leaving in the morning I'm currently packing the rest of my stuff mac book,chargers,straighteners, curlers,makeup the essentials I packed my clothes earlier today so it's just last minute packing I left out my outfit for tomorrow on my bed and got ready for bed I'm leaving early in the morning I have to get up at 5 and the Beckhams are picking me up on the way to the airport I get into bed and plug my phone in I have a new message from Brooklyn

Brooklyn x

Hey babe can't wait to see you in the morning ready for LA x


Me neither night brook xx

Brooklyn x

Nite beautiful x😘

The effect this boy has on me is unbelievable


Teegans POV

I wake up to my alarm going off I turn it off and get up make my bed get dressed and went to do my teeth wash my face and apply makeup I'm astonished at how well it came out considering it's 5 in the morning after packing make up and my tooth brush my phone charger and brought my suit case down stairs just as I did that there's a knock on the door I went and opened it to Brooklyn standing there "hey babe you ready to go" he asks even this early in the morning his hair is perfectly quiffed "yep" I say as I lock the door Brooklyn took my suit cast to the car "the others are gonna meet us there" he says as he hands the suit cases to the driver "okay" I say as I get Into the car and off we went to the airport when we got to the airport there was lots of paps the driver said not to worry about our bags they will be brought to the plane Brooklyn got out first and came around to help me he intwined our hands and we walked towards the entrance of the airport we were getting surrounded as we walked trough the airport towards our gate Brooklyn let my hand go and wrapped his arm around my waste to keep me close as possible as we approached our gate security came over to help us the rest of the way when we entered the gate Brooklyn let go of my waste and interlocked our fingers again knowing we were safe "sorry about that" he says you could see he was worried "Brooklyn it wasn't your fault" I say giving him a peck on the lips and we walk to the plane

••••skip plane ride••••

Teegs POV

the plane ride was long but me and Brooklyn kept each other sane we were getting of the plane and going trough the airport Brooklyn turned to me "there's gonna be lots of paps again so just keep your head down and we'll be fine" he says kissing my cheek he holds my hand just as we walk out of the airport to the car me and Brooklyn got in and began our journey to the beckhams

A/N sooooo sorry about not updating I honestly don't know weather or not to continue with this book tbh but who seen brooklyn do the ice bucket challenge 😍😍😍

Teegs ❤️😍😘 x

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