Chapter 6

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A/N: Read the author's note,its really important. :)

~Cynnal's P.O.V.~

I rolled my window down and let him in,"What the hell do you want?"

He seems to be taken back by the sound of my voice but I just rolled my eyes at him and waited for him to speak.

"Uhm....uh....I-I" He stammered and I soffed at him,"What?!Will you please stop stuttering and go straight to it!"

"How about you shut the fuck up?"

Woah. To say I was shocked at how he speak to me is understatement.

But I shot back at him,"How about you get the fuck out of my car if you have nothing important to say?"

I felt bad for saying it to him,but then,he's the reason why I don't want to fall inlove again 'cause I'm scared I'll end up getting broken hearted. Again . Nothing can explain how much hurt I get when he broke me up.

He opened the window of my car and stormed out,

well I guess I got under his skin,I thought.

~Harry's P.O.V.~

I woke up from the sound of birds chirping and the sound of leaves dancing with the wind. It's been a week since I saw her,again. I know I'm wrong for snapping at her like that because I'm the reason why she hates me;because I broke her fragile heart. I shouldn't have let her fall for me because she is a very vulnerable person. I shouldn't have hurted her like that.

I know that there is still a part of me that still love her.

~Cynnal's P.O.V.~

Groaning,I got up from my soft fluffy,feather like bed and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. The annoying tone of my phone continued to play while I blindly search for it,because my eyes are still droopy.

When I feel its smooth screen,I press the upper top of the phone to unlock it.

1 new message from unkown number

I tapped the screen to open the message from the not-so-familiar number.

I know I've hurted you so much but I want you to know that I still love you xx-unknown

Confusion. That was what I felt when I read the message from the unknown person. Is it Harry? I do hope so. Sigh .

~Harry's P.O.V.~

Dear Abigail,

    I'm so sorry that I hvae to end our relationship like this. I don't want you to get more hurted in the end. This is the best idea I could think of to make the pain less than it would be if we continue this relationship. We can still be friends but I just don't want to fake my feelings for you if it vanished out of my heart. I hope than I can make you stay in my heart but I have no control over it,so,might as well end it before we got wrecked in the end. I'm really sorry,I truly am. -Harry xxx



A/N: I UPDATED,CYNNAL!!!WOOP!!!Haha. Sorry if this is short. Okay,enough. I'm sorry I haven't updated in weeks?. We just finished some of our exams today and another exams will be placed on our table tomorrow (>.<),and our freaking teacher won't let us use our phone so she made us place ALL of our bags on the table beside her;so we have nothing except from a piece of paper and a ballpen. She's the scariest teacher I have ever encountered. When she's in our room,no one would even dare to say a word;so when she left the room,we're like crazy animals from the jungle complaining about her strictness. And tomorrow,she'll be looking for us again -.- please pray for me that I'll pass the exams :) Oh,and btw,I might continue all of my story in my new account 'bubblyzarry' including this one,you should follow it now :) And I'll edit the typos there because in this account,I don't edit the typos or anything,so in that account,I'll make sure that its all perfect. Jk,nothing is perfect. :)except 1D,because for me they are. Fangirling much......:P

The next chapters of this book will be posted on my new account 'bubblyzarry' don't forget to follow!!

~Nicole xoxo

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