I just moved into my new neighbourhood. I live with my mum and my sister. My dad left from a really young age and when that happened my mum just couldn't cope. He cheated on her with her sister, my aunt, they haven't spoken since. What could I do? I just had to protect my sister from all the arguments and then next I started cooking, cleaning and many other household chores. Soon I had to pick up my sister from school every day. My life was hell and then one day I find out that we're moving. Now I'm here sitting on a new sofa in a new house, waiting to go to a new school. Well, at least I can get new friends because all my old friends gave up on me.
"Aria, we'll be late! Are you ready?" I shouted at her.
"I'm getting my shoes on!" she replied as she rushed down the stairs.
"We're going mum, have fun at whatever it is you're going to do, and breakfast is on the counter!" I shouted and slamming the door behind me, locking it.
It was a longer walk than Aria was used to, but I got her there on time and I made sure they got her in. Then I had to walk a little up the way to the secondary school. I opened the door and asked the old lady at the desk where I had to go, and a teacher came and told me off for being late but let it slide because it was my first day, lucky it was only tutor. I was sent to my new lesson on the bell.
"Hello everyone, this is Max. He's new." She exclaimed as the class settled down. "You will be sitting next to Brandon ."
"No miss! I like having my own space! It helps me concentrate!"
"I am not going to argue! Pull a stunt like this again and you will be in isolation." Brandon quickly silenced.
The lessons dragged on and soon enough it was break time. I had a missed call from the primary school. I don't even remember mum giving them my number. It was five minutes ago so I called them back.
"Applestoke primary school. How may I help you today?"
"Hello, I received a call earlier. I am Max Dalton, I brought my sister in."
"Yeah, Max, she's been crying a lot and the teachers don't know what to do. It started at break time. It would be really helpful if you can come down and support her."
"I really wish I could, but I can't miss the rest of school, I already missed tutor to make sure she's in there safe."
"Wait, you're still in school?" she asked and then the bell went piercing my free ear.
"I'm so sorry. I have to go." I ended the call with dread filling my heart.
I got in and sat down. The lesson was maths and I just about understood everything. Then Brandon turned to me. "You seem pretty worried. What's wrong Maxy?" he sniggered.
The teacher turned and stared. "Max you better have a pretty good reason for talking without instruction." The teacher said sternly. "Nothing to say now?" sarcasm rang out from her tone. "Good, then you can practise silence in detention."
This day is so going to drag.
Brandon just broke out in a fit of laughter. "Not a thing you can do about it, Maxy."
The bell rang again, relieving me of my pain. I got onto the playground and ate my lunch. Soon after I had got my phone out and called Aria's school saying I will be late, and could they try to get hold of my mum. They agreed graciously.
"Hey, Maxy! Crying to mamma. That's so gay." He laughed. "What else can you guess when you're on about a gay boy?" he laughed again and waited for a response. When I didn't give one, he replied with: "Thinking about kissing me are we, gay boy?"

That's so
RomanceTwo guys fall in love. Harvey is an Italian who is new and in need of friends. He finds himself in company with Max, and friendship turns to love. Harvey soon ends up falling in love with Max and so does max Warning it's long. Hope you like it.