
535 29 16

Jenny, darling, you're my best friend
But there's a few things that you don't know of
Why I borrow your lipstick so often
I'm using your shirt as a pillow case

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Jenny, darling, you're my best friend
I've been doing bad things that you don't know about
Stealing your stuff now and then
Nothing you'd miss but it means the world to me

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend
I wanna ruin our friendship
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Jenny take my hand
'Cause we are more than friends
I will follow you until the end
Jenny take my hand
I cannot pretend
Why I never like your new boyfriends

Oh, your love for them won't last long
Forget those amigos
Oh, your love for them won't last long
Forget those amigos
Forget those amigos

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Oh, your love for them won't last long
We should be lovers instead
Oh, your love for them won't last long
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

We should be lovers instead
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Angolo commenti: Voi avevate sentito questa canzone prima? Vi piace?
Piccola curiosità: il mio nickname deriva proprio da questa canzone. Stavo cercando un nome per il profilo e in sottofondo è partita questa canzone xD Poi mi sono ricordata anche che "I kissed a Girl" inizia con "Jenny came over", quindi mi sono detta "E Jenny sia" xD
E il vostro nickname invece, da cosa deriva? ;)

Canzoni LGBT+ 🌈❤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora