Pep Rally!

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Thea's POV

As I entered the school, the speakers around made some noise.

After that our Head Cheerleder Tina's voice was heard announcing "Goooood Morning Warriors!! Pep Rally today! Dismissal time. See you all there!"

with that, her voice faded.

As part of the squad, I should be there. Whew. Too much for a first day.

The classes for today are almost ending. Mostly full of teachers introducing themselves and essays on how our summer went.

It bores me really.

Good thing i love writing.

The bells rang signaling the end of classes for today and students are already crowding towards the hallway leading to the school field.

I immediately went to the dressing room to find my co-cheerleaders there already changing.

"Thea move faster we're about to start!" Trixie told me. She is one of my co-cheerleaders.

"Alright. I'll change and fix myself in a jiffy!" i told her.

I pulled my cheering clothes out of my bag.

The top is a tight dress with long sleeves revealing the belly with the word "Warriors" in front, and the bottom is a skirt which was really short.

Good thing i'm quite thin.

They're colored Red with White stripes. The shoes are uniformly white.

I changed my clothes and tied my hair in a high pony.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

There. All done. I rushed as we lined up and went out shouting "Go Warriors!"

Heartbeat racing fast, the beats blared and we started dancing, i am a flyer, the one supposed to be lifted and be thrown up.

We are now coming to the part where i'll be lifted and as I was lifted I saw a familiar face looking straight at me.

I couldn't be wrong it's Ezra! He is staring at me and I am also staring awkwardly at him.

His gaze was so mesmerizing I almost forgot I was only on one foot. Gosh I almost fell!

Good thing I made it to the ground safely!

I am already on the ground and still he kept looking. Smirking even.

As our routine finished I ran with Tina, Trixie and the others to the dug-out.

While at the dug-out I kept thinking about Ezra looking at me.

As the thought entered my mind, I felt another blush rummaging through my cheeks.

Oh help me. Am I daydreaming about some guy?

I changed my clothes and went out.

As i walked out the dressing room to the school gate someone bumped right at me.

Head-on collision!

Gosh did that hurt!

As I was trying to stand up, a hand reached for me and said "You okay?"

That voice!

I know that voice!!!

As I looked up I knew my guess was right! It was Ezra! Gosh! Too much of him for one day!

We just looked at each other and froze.


Ezra's POV

I was still thinking about Alethea while entering the school when suddenly some noise was heard on the school speakers.

A girl with such a high pitched voice followed. "Goooood Morning Warriors!! Pep Rally today! Dismissal time. See you all there!"

After that announcement, her voice faded.

Pep Rally eh? Gotta check that out!

My day went to be really exhausting. As a new student I need to introduce myself to a hundred people for a hundred times!

Some girls kept looking at me like I was something to eat!

Good thing it was almost time.

There! The bell is ringing already! As the bells rang students came out of their rooms and some students are already crowding towards the hallway leading to the school field.

"This squad should really be good!" I said.

I went with the flow of the students and ended up sitting at the high bench.

I could see the cheerleaders already coming out the dug-out.

People keep chanting "We are Warriors! Go fight red and white!"

The crowd silenced as the music starts blaring!

The cheerleaders moved and their routine was really good!

There were girls flying all over.

As they were making a pyramid i saw someone familiar.

Alethea! Right! So she is a cheerleader?

Real catch i guess! I stared at her the whole time and i guess she saw me. So i smiled.

She looks so pretty and hot in her uniform.

Sadly their routine was done and they ran to the dug-out again.

As i walked towards the school gates someone bumped right at me.

Forehead to Forehead!

That sure hurt a lot!

As I stood up, I saw that the person I bumped into was a girl! I reached her and asked "You okay?"

As her face looked up. I froze.

It was Alethea!

She sure did look gorgeous!

But i don't know what to say!

I just stood there with my hand reaching her frozen.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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