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Sal smirked happily behind his mask. Larry stared at him.

"Sal, is that my hoodie?" Larry ask.

"not anymore." Sal replied. Larry raised an eye brow.

"what?" Larry ask.

"it's mine now." Sal said, looking up at his boyfriends face.

"what?" Larry ask, glaring at him. Sal cuddled into the hoodie happily. he waived his arm, covered by a sleeve too long for him, at Larry.

"it's mine now." Sal said. Larry glared at him, but shrugged after a minute. Sal was adorable in it.

"alright. you're cute. keep it." Larry shrugged. Sal laughed and hugged his waist.

"I was going to keep it anyway." Sal said. Larry shook his head, smiling at him.

"go put your books away so we can get to lunch." Larry said. Sal nodded and headed over to his locker. he had just put his books in when he felt a hand grab his hood.

"hey!" Sal cried. Larry cleared his throat.

"you know Travis, before you hurt my boyfriend, you should know I will wear that orange jumpsuit and make it look good." Larry glared. Travis seemed confused.

"dude, he's threatening to kill you let me the fuck go." Sal hissed. Travis huffed, shoving Sal, who was thankfully protected by the hoodie he was wearing.

"you don't have the balls." Travis hissed.

"Sal would disagree, I'll knock the shit out of anyone who hurts him and he knows it." Larry glared. Sal got up and dusted himself off, glaring at the school bully.

"he's not worth it Larry." Sal huffed, closing his locker. "c'mon, it's pizza day and it's the only food here I like." Sal said. Larry threw his arm around Sal's shoulders and led him to the lunchroom.

"Sal? what are you doing in a Sanity Falls hoodie?" Ashley ask.

"looks like Larry's." Neil said, raising an eye brow.

"it is Larry's. he stole it from my locker." Larry muttered plopping down beside Sal. Sal pushed his mask up slightly, just enough to show his mouth.

"it's mine now. you already admitted I look cute in it." Sal smirked. Larry nodded at him slightly, ruffling Sal's hair. Sal smirked at him an leaned against him as he ate his food. Larry shook his head and looked up when the lunchroom doors opened. Travis walked in and Larry glared at him in warning.

"so... you guys are actually a thing then?" Ashley ask. it'd only been about three weeks since they got together.

"yeah and Travis is being a douche bag too." Sal muttered.

"wow you haven't figured it out yet? must be a girl thing." Ashley muttered.

"nah, I noticed it too." Neil muttered.

"noticed what?" Larry ask confusedly. Sal looked at his friends.

"it's obvious. Travis is so in love with you he hates you and Larry because you don't love him." Ashley laughed. milk shot out Sal's nose, the milk hitting his mask and dripping into his lap, and he coughed. Larry was quick to reach over and pat his back, hoping to help him.

"don't even joke like that." Larry glared. Sal groaned softly and reached up to rub his nose.

"that fucking hurt." Sal muttered, wiping his nose. he sniffled slightly and glared at Ashley. "you trying to kill me? that wasn't funny Ash." Sal glared.

"I'm not being funny I'm being serious. he fucking loves you." Ashley huffed.

"she's right." Neil said. "he loves you. look, Todd and I found this in the bathroom when he spilt some acid on his hands. while we were in there we heard Travis muttering to himself, he threw this at the trash can and missed." Neil said, pulling a note from his back pocket. they both looked at the note and started laughing.

"who the fuck beats up someone they love?" Larry laughed.

"I'd answer that but we both know we beat the crap out of each other." Sal replied.

"yeah but I actually love you and I only hurt you when you steal my stuff." Larry said.

"and I only hurt you when you hurt me for stealing your stuff." Sal smirked. Larry rolled his eye's, slipping his hand into Sal's and chuckled. Sal yelped when he was shoved from his stool. he growled and looked up from the ground. "what the hell is your problem?!" Sal shouted. Larry turned to Travis.

"hey, I thought I told you to leave him the fuck alone?" Larry shouted getting up. Travis glared at him.

"why don't you fucking make me?" Travis growled. Larry shoved him hard, knocking Travis backwards and into another person. their trey dumped on his head and the entire lunchroom laughed at the bully. Travis glared at Larry, who ignored him. he turned to Sal and offered him a hand up. Sal fixed his mask, but not before smiling at Larry, and reached up. just as he went to pull Sal up, Travis shoved Larry hard. Larry shook his head and pulled Sal up with one hand and shoved Travis again with his other hand. Sal dusted himself off and looked over at Travis. in a way that was very unlike Sal, he huffed.

"this idiot? you're serious? this idiot loves me?" Sal started laughing. "he wouldn't know love if it bit him in the ass." Sal hissed, glaring right at Travis. Travis stared at him, angrily.

"I'll fucking kill you." Travis said.

"you try and you'll be six feet under." Larry warned, cracking his knuckles. "and trust me, it won't be a fun trip. keep your stupid motherfucking hands off my boyfriend, or I'll fucking kill you." Larry growled. Sal blushed softly under his mask, but he liked the way Larry protected him.

"Larry, you know he's not worth it. let's just eat okay?" Sal said, fixing his mask. Larry looked over at Sal, who was giving him an adorable look. his blue eye's were giving him a dirty look, but with the large hoodie on, Larry couldn't take his look serious. Larry nodded and they sat down again.

"you know you're too cute for your own good right?" Larry muttered. Sal chuckled softly.

"it's the hoodie though right?" Sal ask.

"yeah, it's the hoodie. you're right. you look good in my clothes." Larry muttered. Sal chuckled and cuddled to his side, the bully ignored for now.

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