You know what really bothers me? someone who never has anything good to say. ever. see, I complain a LOT more than I should, but I balance it out with twice as many positive things. I only know 3 other people that are like that, and that's my two best friends and my boyfriend. other than that, everyone else I know is SO NEGATIVE. Everyone finds the most irrelevant things to drag out and complain about and it's so annoying. Like sis shut the fuck up nobody gives a shit that they didn't have the right tea at the store 3 days ago (true story one of my friends actually complained about that for 3 days). What bothers me the most is that I used to be that person. I used to be the kid that would complain about anything, whenever they get the chance. Its as if some peoples entire personality is just made up of complaining about their lives.
welcome into my mind
Randombasically shower thought, weird concepts, funny memories, poems/quotes I like and weird things I've done. There might be a few short stories here and there also