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"So where are we going this time?" Hayley asked in an aggrivated tone as she turned the radio on to heavy music. It sort of reminded me of a few songs Luke played for me on our way here, so I didn't mind it.

"Amore Ristorante Italiano." Kellin replied.

Hayley turned her head to look at Kellin, "Another expensive restaurant. Your dad needs to -"

Kellin lightly popped her in the thigh, giving her a look I couldn't see since I was behind him, stopping her mid sentence.

"Ow. What was that for?" Hayley snapped as she popped him on the arm in return.

"My dad isn't involved. Leave him out of it." Kellin said.

Hayley took a glance back at me, annoyance clearly on her face. She rolled her eyes before looking back to the front, "Alex needs to dump Madison. She's a gold digger and just wants eye candy."

I bit my bottom lip. And here's another person that doesn't like Madison. She can't be that bad, can she? I mean, if she's using Alex for money, then she's bad. Alex deserves someone who actually loves him. Maybe Madison actually loves him and they just don't like her?

"Maybe he's only dating that whore because he's lonely." Cody said from beside me.

I took in a deep breath and sighed. All of this Madison talk was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. I won't judge anyone unless I actually know them or they do something to me. I didn't know much about Dylan when we dated and now I can't stand him. I wish I had the courage to punch him in the face for what he did to me. I will if I ever see him again.

"Hayley, I'm asking you to be nice through a dinner for once. Just once. No fighting for the rest of the evening. I'm begging you." Kellin said softly, which snapped me out of my thoughts of Dylan. I looked up at Hayley to see her shake her head, "You'll owe me for this."

"What do I have to do?" Kellin asked.

Hayley turned in her seat to look at Kellin, "Turn me."

Turn her? What does she mean by that? Is that some kind of new code for something sexual? I don't even want to know if it is. I grabbed my cell phone from my lap and unlocked it, jumping slightly at Kellin's raised voice, "Fine. Do whatever you want."

I didn't want to think about what Hayley asked, I probably wasn't cool enough to understand. I downloaded Facebook onto my phone before signing in. I hadn't been able to check Facebook for a week. I had a handful of notifications, which surprised me. I didn't have any close friends in Mobile. I checked the notifications to see people writing on my page that they'll miss me. I had four messages. I clicked on them and waited for Messenger to download before checking them. The first message that caught my eye, and the only one that even mattered to me, was one from Seth. I quickly clicked on it to read the paragraph he wrote to me.

Hey Avery,

I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but I want to say I'm sorry. I was upset about losing my brother and I blamed you for it, even though you did nothing wrong. How I treated you was wrong. I regret it and I can't take it back no matter how hard I want to. Sorry won't even fix how I treated you. The worst part is you don't have any good memories of me, you will only remember me being a total dick. I just wanted to let you know I miss you. I wish you could come back so things could be how they were. You will always be the best little sister I ever had and a great friend. I will always love you.

I felt my heart leap as I read his words. Seth doesn't hate me. Tears started to form in my eyes but I blinked them back and looked up to stop the warm water from messing up my makeup. A warmth spread its way through my chest as I smiled. I looked back down at my phone before typing a reply.

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