Moving to Freetown

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Rosemary was sitting in the car, with her little brother next to her. He was playing with his Nintendo DS. Rosemary looked outside and sighed deeply. She notice her mother was staring at her. Rosemary looked mad at her. ‘Why are you looking at me?’ Rosemary said. Her mother sighed softly and looked back to the road. Rosemary grabbed her phone and send a text message to her best friend. After a few hours driving, they finally arrived Freetown. It wasn’t a big town, it was nice. Rosemary looked outside and saw some boys and girls from her age. Rosemary sighed and looked away. When they arrived their house, Rosemary step out the car and helps her little brother. She turned her face to the house and frowned a bit. It was smaller than her old house, but whatever. She walked into the house, straight to the biggest bed room. ‘So you know, I’ll take the biggest room. I have too many stuff.’ Rosemary yelled to her mother. He heard her mother making a sound. Rosemary shrugged and smiles. ‘Sounded like a yes to me.’ Rosemary runned downstairs and grabbed some boxes from her room and puts them into her room. Maybe this place isn’t that bad..

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