Chapter 5

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The next day*
So...that happened, god i hope this is somewhat of a dream, a crazy dream of what could have been but you know that It won't happen, but it did, and I am apart of my clients mafia, and I can't leave...or I'll die, what has my life become *sigh*
Ok so...what?
Dude why is my bed comfortable?
Like what the fuck, my bed is the most uncomfortable thing with one stained crappy pillow that looks more dead than my mothers bank account, yeesh Das kinda sad, oh well, back to the situation at hand, it feels like a cloud, and hold on a god damn minute is my head lying on a silk pillow with silk blankets scrunched between my arms like a body pillow, damnnnnn this is one good dream, am I late for school? I should open my eyes...nahhhhhhh imma sleep a lil longer...
1 hour later
"Stupid pillow with its stupid heartbeat" I mumble
Wait, what the fuck, Heartbeat? Pillow?
"Sorry I'll make it stop" John says whilst chuckling, wait John? Oh my fucking god.
I lift my head up to find my hand on his chest and his arms snaked around my waist.
"John?" I say with a raspy morning voice that I'm all too familiar with.
"Yeah, now can you move your knee because this is really painful" he complains whilst scrunching his nose.
"Haha, oh shit, sorry" I basically shriek whilst trying to get off only to end up applying more pressure on his crotch.
"Fuck, Liz" he yelps in a husky morning voice whilst lifting me up completely and setting me down next to him, damn he's strong.
"Hehe...sorry John" I apologise getting up sitting on my knees and yawn.
I completely forgot, why the fuck was I cuddled up with my teacher/boss/client in the most comfortable bed I've slept in!?! this 'their' bed...
"Wait...what?" I question mostly to myself whilst scratching my head in confusion. Did we do it last nigh-
"Don't worry nothing happened, we just had a lot to drink and you started dancing and removing clothing so I came in here to get you a shirt and you came in here and put it on, while I was out of the room waiting for you to get dressed you Decided to fall asleep in my bed, ring a bell?" He said raising his perfectly arched eyebrows. I internally sigh in relief that I'm not as sleazy as people make me out to be,
I look down and see that I'm wearing an oversized black cotton shirt,
That, by the way smells fucking amazing, it smells like a musky sandalwood that engulfs my nose in the best way possible.
God he smells sooooo good.
"Are u...smelling my shirt?" He laughs resting his upper body on his elbows, he's not wearing a fucking shirt!
Oh sweet baby Jesus, he a damn snack! His body looks like it was carved by fucking gods.
"Well, it's your fault you smell so damn good!" I say raising my voice throwing a pillow at him, I laugh and get out of the bed.
"Hmmm" he hums, is he looking at my ass! Wait what am I wearing? Ohhhhhhh I'm wearing my black lace thong, Das why lol
"Are you...looking at my ass!!?" I say mimicking his tone when he asked if I was smelling his shirt.
"What! Me? Never!" He laughs, I laugh and walk over to a body length mirror and must I say, daymmmmm I look good in his shirt.

"What! Me? Never!" He laughs, I laugh and walk over to a body length mirror and must I say, daymmmmm I look good in his shirt

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"I'm keeping it" I say turning around to look at him whilst smiling.
"I guess I don't have a say in this do I?" He says whilst chuckling. "Nope" I say with a wide smile.
"You hungry?" He says getting up and heading to his closet and pulling out a dark grey shirt and pulling it over his delicious abdomen, damn I gotta say I was a little sad to see the show end so  soon, oh well.
"Always, but do you have hash browns?" I say with anticipation, I loooovvveee hash browns, like honest to god I could live off them, buuuutttt they are a lil expensive so I can only have them when I have left over money after paying what needs to be payed.
"Thats oddly specific don't ya think baby girl?" He says rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and yawing.
'Baby girl?' I don't think he noticed he said that because he kept on walking out of the room motioning me to follow him. girl...I like it.😊
I smile to myself and walk out following him to the kitchen as we walk past the living room I see the destruction I think we caused or manly me, I still don't remember that much from the events last night.
"Look at that! I got hashbrowns!"
He says holding a packet of them in my direction, they where the really expensive ones, they are like 39 bucks for a packet of 14 and I don't know about you but that's ALOT of money to waste on hash browns I mean I love them but not that much.
I basically squeal and run up to the packet and grab it and sit at the breakfast bench admiring the hashbrowns, I know I know I'm fucking weirdo but I guess I just have a weak spot for hashbrowns, hehe more like an obsession lol.
John gets out the stuff to cook them and with much dilemma he managed to get the hashbrowns off of me. I just sat there watching the best thing in my life, hashbrowns...Oh and John hehe but mostly the hashbrowns. Once they were cooked he got out some apple juice and poured us a glass and sat next to me.
We ate the hashbrowns and after we finished them my mind went into a riot, FUUUUCKKKKK I HAVE SCHOOL.
"JOHN!!!! WE HAVE SCHOOL" I say trying to find my clothes around his mansion of a house.
"I don't have work today"
He yells from the kitchen
"Yeah so?!? I have school!" I say and walk to the kitchen whilst changing into my clothes I turn my back to him and take off his comfy shirt and try to put on mine but it gets stuck on my big ass head hhhhhhhhh could this day get worse????
"What does it say" John says walking closer to me and touching just under my should blade, ohhhhhh my tattoo, I'm quite proud of it, I got it around two years ago and don't regret it at all.

"I don't have work today"He yells from the kitchen"Yeah so?!? I have school!" I say and walk to the kitchen whilst changing into my clothes I turn my back to him and take off his comfy shirt and try to put on mine but it gets stuck on my big ass h...

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"I was not built to break" he whispers while he traces the letters with his finger.
"Why" he says taking his finger off my tattoo.
"I guess it's my reminder" I say moving my hair to my left side of my face so my tattoo can be seen properly.
"It's for when I'm almost about to break and I have to remember that it took my mother 9 months of hell to make me even if she regrets it, I have to remember that I wasn't built to break but to live and stride through life even if people don't want me too...even if  I don't want too" I say whispering the last part mainly to myself.
"I like it" he says turning me around to face him, I'm kinda happy he likes it I don't know why I just like that he likes it, it makes me feel stronger more powerful.
"Wanna miss a day of school and come to the warehouse baby gir- ....sorry force of habit I guess" he smiles awkwardly at the fact he almost called me baby girl again, I wish he did...
I get ready once I realised I was standing in front of him in only my ripped jeans and my black laced bra, whoops hehe...
We head to the warehouse slowly but surely in a comfortable silence, I'm nervous, but I'm excited,
-let's do this.

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