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My Princess,

How many times I see you struggle to believe that I am here with you! What must I do to prove that I am who I say I am--and that you are mine? Can I paint you another sunset to kiss you good night? Can I place more stars in the sky to bring a sparkle in your eye? Can I comfort you one more night when you call out to me? Can I answer another prayer for my princess? I will do whatever it takes and I will never stop creating ways to prove to you I am here.


The one who is real

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.

The skies display his craftsmanship.

Day after day they continue to speak;

Night after night they make him known. - Psalm 19:1-2 (NIV)

Today's devotional is drawn from His Princess: Girl Talk with God - Love Letters and Devotions for Young Women by Sheri Rose Shepherd.  All content copyright Sheri Rose Shepherd 2014.

Posted by Rebecca Carlson via Google+

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