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A/N:  NSFW!!  You have been warned if that's not your thing, probably don't want to read this story.

What?!? 2 updates in a 24 hour period!?! Unheard of!!!!  

So glad to be getting my inspiration back on this story after my time away, I'm excited to be back writing again.

  Life sometimes has other plans for us and in real life my wife of 14 years, is 9 months pregnant with our first child!!! Any day now our home will be a full estrogen fest!  What's the term?  Oh yeah,  Gaybies!!! Lol but the updates may be a while in coming after little one finally emerges, but fear not I will not be giving up on my stories dear reader, I just ask patience while the inevitable sleep deprivation begins.

Disclaimer: I don't own sh$&!!!


Much to Hermione's chagrin the night continued with not only embarrassing baby photos.  No, no, no that would have been a blessing. Those photos led to home movies, specifically one in particular of a curly headed toddler wearing only her favorite blanky as a cape, singing with a hairbrush as a stand in microphone to ABBA's Dancing Queen.  Tonks was rolling on the floor laughing at just how cute a tiny Hermione was.  The young wolf knew that she would never hear the end of that.

The Grangers warmed up quickly to the hilarious Auror whom had stolen their daughters' heart.  The abrupt nature in which Hermione had protected her mate was indeed startling to the muggles.  They knew their daughter would not hurt them, or at least they hoped she wouldn't.  The wolf and mate explained the true nature and instincts of werewolves and the real danger they had been in when they insulted and threatened her mate and visibly gulped. 

Being educated individuals had been a blessing.  Those whom graduated from universities tended to be more open minded and willing to wait for all the information to judge.  Still...Hermione knew it was a lot for her parents to take in at one go. 

The in depth explanation of her instincts as she and Tonks knew it went well into the night and only when Wendell started nodding off did Jean suggest they all go to sleep.  That lead to a more uncomfortable discussion about calming a wolf at slumber skin on skin.  The blushes on the parents and daughter's face were just adorable to the Auror.  Tonks could see a whole lot of where her love got many adorable traits from. 

Begrudgingly they let the pair go to Hermione's childhood room, with the promise of nothing going on, as they didn't want their house to meet their poor old shed's fate.


...really they tried to be's just that...well a naked sleeping wolf, apparently horny, sleeping wolf, see...puts out these pheromones...and she was wrapped behind the older witch, naked breasts against her did things to a girl...

Thinking quickly Nymphadora reached for her wand on the nightstand and cast the strongest silencing charm she could manage.  She then cast a strengthening charm to the foundation, and heavy locking wards on the door.  All thought went out her mind when a sleepy hand began caressing her naked breasts, slightly pulling on the nipple ring she had gotten to surprise her lover with on her last visit. 

A low moan escaped from her mouth and she knew the moment the Alpha opened her yellow glowing eyes behind her.  A low powerful growl erupted behind her as the other hand dove into her now soaking folds, she had been on the edge for so long, pheromones driving her mad, her naked mate plastered on her back.  Tonks lost all thought and dropped her wand, who knows where and reached behind her grasping a head full of chestnut curls. 

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