young!carol x reader-shower time (nsfw)

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word count: 1259

Being a C block inmate, Id heard of Carol Denning. Unlike most inmates however, Carol was interested in me. I could feel her watching me everytime I stepped out of my cell. She made a point to walk past me when she saw me, deliberately brushing against me. She would smirk when she saw the blush creeping onto my cheeks. Whenever someone talked to me she would glare. I felt her death stare pierce through me and the next day the person talking to me wouldnt even look at me. I was once walking to the toilets when I heard someone talking. I stopped walking to listen and heard Carols voice.
"You fucking talk to her or even look at her again and your body will end up on the black market you hear me?"
I carry on walking and see my newly made friend pinned up against the wall with a shiv being pushed against her neck by Carol. She looked at me and quickly looked away in fear.

Today was weird, I hadnt seen Carol all day. I sat down at a table and spotted some of Carols little slaves looking at me. They get up from their table and head towards me. I eye them cautiously, knowing something was up.
"Hey (l/n), Carol wants you in the showers. I suggest you go," One of them said menacingly.
I stay seated, not wanting to become one of Carols mindless lackeys. One of the other girls moves closer to me and looks around before pulling out an old toothbrush with a blade melted onto it. I look at it then look into her eyes, trying to seem unfased.
"If Carol wants me, she can come get me"
The girl with the shiv lightly runs it down my exposed arm before digging it in.
"She aint gonna be happy if you dont come. Youll be getting a lot worse than this."
She almost reaches the bone with the blade. I wince and suddenly stand up.
"Fine" I say, finding the pain too much.
The girl smirks, putting the shank back in her shirt pocket. They lead me towards the showers, making sure I dont pull an escape on them. I dont hear the showers running, meaning that Carol was in there alone. As usual. As we reach the doorway im shoved in by my back.
"Hey, fuckin watch it" I spit.
"Sorry were late Carol, she didnt come easily" one of them said, gesturing to my bleeding arm.
"you call yourselves fucking threatening. Scram! And make sure no one comes in."
As they leave I turn around and look at Carol. Shes sat on the bench, one bent leg up on the bench besides her. She leans on one arm behind her and looks at me through thick glasses. She puts out her fag on the wall and flicks it away before speaking.
"You just gonna stand there like a fucking idiot or are you gonna shower."
I look at her blankly, not understanding what she meant. Did she not call me in here to talk? She stands up and walks towards me, making me back up until im against the wall. A crazy smile spreads across her cheeks and she puts on a soft voice, almost luring me into a false sense of security.
"Did you hear me princess? I want you to get into that shower for me. Okay?"
I look at her, shaky breath leaving my slightly parted lips. She looks at me one last time, the smile quickly leaving her lips as she backs away, letting me obey her command. I start to unbutton my dark blue jumpsuit, avoiding eye conact with carol, but I could feel her eyes watching my every move. Once im down to my white bra and knickers I step towards the showers.
"What do you think youre doing princess? Do you normally shower in your underwear?"
I look at her shocked. She just looked back at me with a smirk, leaning against the wall. I turn my back to her to remove my underwear and quickly get into the shower to feel less exposed. My hands cover my chest and I move my leg to cover downstairs. She sits on the bench again and unwraps a lolly.
"Turn the shower on then peach"
I reach out to turn it on, exposing some of my chest. I hear her sucking on the lolly behind me.
"Turn around and let me see you or youre not gonna sleep tonight" she said menacingly.
My eyes widen and I hope to god she didnt mean what I thought she meant. I turn around to face her and move my other arm from my chest. She scans me from top to bottom, biting her lip and letting out a breathy chuckle. I reach down to get some shampoo and stand back up again, putting it into my hair. I watch her sucking on her lolly and realise how turned on im getting. She notices the blush on my cheeks and purposefully focuses her attention on the lolly, pulling it out of her mouth with a pop. She licks it long and hard, making eye contact with me the whole time. I close my legs tightly and rub my thighs together. Carol sees this and pulls the lolly wrapper out of her pocket, wrapping it up again. She stands up and walks towards me. Reaching out behind me she turns off the shower. She keeps her hand on the wall behind me trailing the other down my stomach. I can feel her breath on my face as she leans in. She kisses me roughly just as her fingers touch my dripping heat. She runs her fingers up and down breaking the kiss to speak.
"Thats my girl, so wet just from me watching you."
I close my eyes, breathing heavily and reaching out to grip her jumpsuit by the neck. She seems to like this and suddenly slips her fingers in making me let out a high pitched moan. I rest my head on her shoulder since I was about to pass out. Her fingers curl and I bite her shoulder so I wouldnt make a sound. She growls at this and takes her hand off the wall, wrapping it around my neck instead.
"That fucking hurt sweet cheeks." The smirk now gone from her face, her hand grips my neck tighter. She starts to move her fingers inside me, her pace harsh, almost hurting me. She pulls my head up from her shoulder so she can see my face, still choking me. She revels in my contorted expressions, the smile she had before spreading over her face again at the mess I was becoming because of her. She kept her rough pace as I neared my end, my choked moans growing louder. She kisses me to muffle them as there were still people outside. The kiss is only broken as I cum, so that she can watch my expression change as I submit to her. My throat is released and I take a deep breath. She pulls her fingers away from me and brings them to my mouth.
I look into her eyes seductively and slowly lick ther finger tips before taking them both into my mouth and sucking on them, licking every last drop off of them. She growls at me teasing her and rips her fingers out of my mouth.

"Youre definitely not getting any sleep tonight princess."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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