Chapter 14💔: Both My Babies Gone

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This story is extremely emotional

Kentrell POV:
2 weeks later

I laid there still trying to rap my head around everything that had happened in the last 2 months

I lost my Fiancé, the mother of my children was now dead

I blamed myself for everything, i didn't want to be around no one, I wanted everybody to leave me alone, I wanted to die

Why couldn't it be my life instead of hers, I loved her so much

That's when it all hit me at one, she's dead and you have to finish this on your own


I said screaming standing into the mirror with the gun pointed to my head

Before I knew it Ari was standing in front of me

Kentrell: A- Ariana

I said running to her trying to hug her but I couldn't feel nothing, I could only hear her talk and see a transparent vision of her

Ariana Spirit: Kentrell Baby I need you to stay strong for me

Kentrell: Ari I cant do it without you

I said with no emotion

Ariana: You have too pull it together

She said sternly

Kentrell: I can-

I shot myself right in the heart, making sure it was the heart so there was no coming back from this

I soon fell to the ground, now seeing my vision blur and everything soon go black

Ddawg POV:

I heard a gun shot coming from Kentrell room

Ddawg: Mane What the fu- no man not the both of y'all

Ddawg: TeeLee call 911 now

I screamed downstairs

Sherhonda: No Kentrell baby stay with me

She said not being able to control her tears

Kentrell meant a lot of everyone in his family, we loved him so much and he loved us back

Tears just started rushing down my face

Kendell: Whats happened to him

He screamed at me

Ddawg: I think he tried to kill himself, I heard a gunshot my nobody was in the room with him

I walked Kentrell downstairs to the living room

Kam: Wha happed to da da

Daija: Nothing Kam come on

Baby K just started screaming and crying out of no where, did he know what was going on ?

Kind jumped on Kentrell

Kind: Da Da

But she didn't get a response

She soon started crying falling into his chest pulling his arms around her

Kind: Da da don lea me

I could've sworn she just said Da da don't leave me

They are very smart kids but I didn't think they would know he was gone

Sherhonda: It's okay Baby K come on, Daija grab Kind and Kam

Daija: Come on Kind

Kind: no I wan da

She said sternly, is understanding everything that was coming from her mouth

TeeLee: Come on T T baby

She said to Kind


she said very stern and clearer than last time

TeeLee POV:

Nurse: I'm sorry ma'am but he's dead

I just stared at her not wanting to believe anything she was saying

TeeLee: This ain't right, 2 of the closest people to me gone in less than 2 weeks

I said under my breath

Nurse: I'm sorry for your lost ma'am, we'll be coming to take his body in 30 minutes

She said walking out the room

Beanie: Man this really the end

He said staying strong

Kd: i guess so

He said wiping his tears

Kind, Kam, and Baby K laid on Kentrell chest until he'll be taken

Montana: Man i gon miss him, but I just can't do this right now

He said walking out the room

Kendell: Big brother really gone

He said crying, kissing his forehead

Sherhonda: My Baby, both of my babies gone in a blink of a eye

She said with her head down to the inside of Kentrell's chest

I'm never going to be able to love again, the only man i will ever love has taken his precious life
_________________________________________665 words

Wow, 1 more chapter I have a new book called A Twisted Love Story I will be using
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