Chapter 3-The Pali (cliff)

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4 years later...

"Kilinahe watch your little sister and make sure she doesn't go over the pali," Mama yelled. Where were we? Well, let's just say we were back at the South point pali. I loved it here, Mama told me loads of stories about this place something about how it was sacred. But I never really listened I mean after all look at me, I'm only 4 years old for goodness sakes. Anyways, we were getting Tutu ʻopihi, momma never lets me go anywhere near her when she does these things. She says I am too young and it's too dangerous. It's not fair Iʻm a big girl I can do it but oh well.

But unlike any of the other family members, momma knew something was different about me. It was as if I was more aware of my surroundings than most kids at my age should be. One day she said she caught me looking at something behind papa and laughing at it. And right then and there Tutu and Papa knew that I was supposed to be, what was it? I think destined for something. Now, momma doesn't let me go anywhere unless I have this leaf that mom calls ti-leaf on me at all times. She said it'll protect me from the bad guys that she called bad spirits.

Back to my story again, I was sitting in the back of Papa's old pickup truck watching my kaikunāne, Kilinahe plays around in the dirt. I looked out into the vast blue ocean like I do every day with a sense of longing. For some reason, I didn't exactly feel right like there was something was calling me begging me to come. So as quiet as a mouse I began to walk to the edge of the pali looking back every once in a while checking for Kilinahe. Walking to the edge I looked over and saw the gentle waves slam into the pali and felt the spray of the ocean that felt like gentle hands touch my skin, seeming to grab me gently pulling me forwards into its beautiful majestic arms letting me fall into the great abyss of blue. Making a splash I begin to sink to the bottom feeling the mana of my surroundings fill my blood. Strengthening my ever so weak ties to my culture.

All I remember seeing is something blurry and small climb or jump from the top of the pali into the calm water around me. I never really understood or remembered much about what happened after that but what I do remember is hearing Tutu tell momma that I was spirit sighter. I was prophecized to be great by the Kahuna of Tutu and Papa's generation. A child of a powerful line of Kahuna who will one day help her whole nation.



Papa- Grandpa


mana- power 

Kilinahe is the brother of Pōmaikaʻiakealoha

Kilinahe is the brother of Pōmaikaʻiakealoha

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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