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I tossed and turned all night yesterday and couldn't sleep well.

Not when those boys are down the basement.

I need to sneak them out.

My dad left for some business and was to be expected back in the next hour.

He was gone by the morning.

I ran down the stairs and bust open the basement door.

"you guys need to get out of here" I quickly scramble to James and untie him.

"What?" Tristan raised and eyebrow

"Well if you want to goddamn stay then we both stay and get beaten up" 

I untied them all and led them to the living room.

"Ashley wait" James reached for my arm and grabbed a hold of it.

"Why don't you come with us? your dad will definitely kill you if he finds out you let us out" James said

"James. Im Ashley Parkman, are you seriously asking me that?" I sighed

James only raised an eyebrow.

My stomach grumbled and I looked at the clock.

Dad would be home in 20 minutes.

"Alright" I ran up the stairs to get my bunch.

        -        -        -        -        -        -        

They were all waiting for me outside.

I grabbed my car keys and got in the car with the boys.

I saw dad's car nearby and I stepped on it quickly exiting the garage.

"holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck" Tristan kept on cursing behind me

"Where are we going?" Bradley asked

"somewhere. just away from my dad." I drove off

"can we go to our house?" Connor tapped me on my shoulder

"show me directions" 

-        -        -        -        -        -

In an hour, we were in front of this mansion aka their humble home.

I don't get how this is humble.

Its the size of my school.

My phone started ringing, I looked at the caller ID.

'DAD' flashed the screen

I gasped. he already found out.

James noticed me and walked over to me "are you okay?" 

"No. My dad is calling" I switched off my phone.

We got in the mansion and the boys ran to their rooms.

Brad walked with me.

"Thanks Ashley" he smiled as my stomach fluttered

Fuck. Was I falling for Brad?

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