Secret Love Song - Steve Harrington

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So this is my first Steve / Stranger Things story, it may not be the last because I'm currently obsessed with this Show! Let's say that this story is set in season 1, a little before actually. But, it is different from the show. So king Steve when he was a jerk, a bit before dating Nancy. Also kind of based off of the Little mix song, I hope you'll enjoy and understand what I was going for <3
( Y/N = Your name, Y/L/N = Your last name )


Pulling up into the parking lot of Hawkins High school was always interesting, being the only girl who didn't own a car ( Or secretly borrowed their parents and then claimed it as theirs ) but instead, I rode around on a motorbike. Most of my class mates categorized it as weird, I'm not exactly sure why, but I always heard whispers of speculation. I parked my bike in the same boring place, before pulling off my helmet and climbing off of ' Roberta ' ( Yes I named my bike, move on ). My hair fell flat against my shoulders as I glanced around, Monday mornings were great. " Hey Y/N! " I heard from behind me, I glanced over my shoulder to see Nancy and Barb approaching. I quickly grabbed my bag and turned around, " Hey ladies, how was your weekend? " I asked with a smile. " Boring! " Nancy groaned as we walked towards the school, " Yeah, we studied for the History test all night. Remember, we were all supposed to study until you bailed on us " Barb stated with an eyebrow raised. " What were you doing this weekend? " Nancy then questioned, " Just a few boring family dinner things, grandparents came in Saturday, left Sunday. So nothing exciting " I sighed. I could tell Barb was going to say something else, but didn't get the chance. Loud commotion came from the cars next to us, which made everyone look that way. Kind Steve, rough housing with his jokers, he glanced our way, which only made me roll my eyes and continue walking. " Steve's pretty cute " Nancy muttered, which made Barb roll her eyes " Yeah right, like he'd go for any of us. Too Focused on his reputation " I sighed to myself as I thought back to my weekend.

Friday night is when the weekend started for me, I was in my room reading a book, one of my favorite hobbies. " Y/N, Phone call! " my older brother shouted from the living room, " Who is it? " I yelled back. " I don't know, answer the damn phone! ' he yelled back, i groaned as I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. " Okay I got it! " I yelled to Nick, " Hello? " I then asked. " You really share a phone line with the rest of your family? " Steve asked, I rolled my eyes " Did you call to annoy me or did you need something? ". He chuckled " Sneak out tonight ", " No! " I exclaimed. " Come on, we had a blast on Wednesday remember ", he stated seriously, " And I got in trouble when my parents found out " I explained. " Y/N, take a chance. Aren't your parents out of town? " he sighed trying his hardest to convince me, " And how would you know? " I questioned. " I heard you telling Barb at lunch " he sighed, " Oh, listening in on my conversations are we Mr. Harrington? " I smirked. He chuckled again " Hey, you're parents aren't home, come out with me ", again trying to talk me into it. You should've flat out denied him, but like all the times before, you couldn't. There was just something about Steve, he had a way about him. "Fine, but if my allowance get's taken away again, I'll never speak to you again " I stated seriously, " Stop worrying, I'll be there in 20 " he stated. " Whatever " I muttered before hanging up the phone, I sighed deeply before jumping up and walking to my closet. " Where are you going? " Nick asked as he stood in the doorway, " Out " I stated while looking through my clothes. " With that Harrington kid again, Why do you keep sneaking out for him " he asked, I shrugged " I like him, hes nice... And technically I'm not sneaking out this time, you know where I'm going ". " He's only nice because he wants something, come on Y/N, you're smarter than this " he explained, " I know Nick, but I like him a lot and maybe he's not using me " I sighed not even believing my own words. " Just be careful, If you're not back by midnight, I will tell mom and dad why you've been sneaking out " he stated seriously, I gave him a small smile "Thanks, I promise I'll be back by then ". He nodded while walking back towards the living room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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