Chapter VII//..That you are Jung Hoseok..

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(Im not very good at describing clothing. so uhm here. May do this sometimes)

 May do this sometimes)

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(Hoseok ;)

( Yoongi )

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( Yoongi )


I'm stressed.

I need to learn everything about Yoongi or I'll lose my job.

The head police and government have been breathing down my neck.

I sigh to myself.

I'll call him.

" Hey, Yoongi it's hoseok. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out. Like watching a movie together?" I say.

Yoongi smiles through the phone. " I'd love to. We can watch it at my apartment" He says before hanging up.

" B-but.. ugh idiot".

I say to myself and getting ready and walk to his apartment.

I knock on his door and he looks so cut-- evil! He's evil! He kills people and sells one like that is cute.

I blush and he smirks seeing the faint blush on my face.

" You coming in or are we going to stare at each other?" He says breaking the awkward silence.

" Be quiet moron?" I say and walk into his apartment.

He's wearing a lot of branded clothing since the day I met him.

He must really be that rich as people say.

I sit down on his couch and he sits right next to me.

Close but I kinda didn't mind him near me. I mean.. yes! I minded a lot...

" So what movie?" I say.

" Maybe just a horror movie," He says.

Fuck. I'm fucking terrified of horror movies, I've always been since I was young and everyone made fun of me for it.

" Oh yeah sure," I say trying not to look like a pussy in front of Yoongi.

" Okay" He replies and puts it on.

(A few hours later)

I screamed for the 4th time now and accidentally jumped into Yoongis lap.

I blushed so much it was embarrassing.

Yoongi giggled at me.

"H-hey it's not funny!" I frown and reply.

" It really is angel" He smiles and laughs.

" Your adorable very adorable..that you are Jung Hoseok," He says and starts kissing me.

To be continued because I'm evil ;).

The mama's made me cry :(  When they all cried I almost cried in class today. R.I.P  my poor soul.

P  my poor soul

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