Chapter 1

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Louis' grown up around women and their romance novels that he was always curious to read just so he can mock them like the rest of the boys in his class. He ended up reading the entire Twilight saga in three days, and falling in love with romance all together. (Irony is everywhere)

Every single movie his friends would dub "chick flicks", Louis was secretly in the theaters watching. It was good when he was "dating" Eleanor Calder, top cheerleader at his high school that kindly agreed to date him and help hide his sexuality, because she was thrilled with his love for romance movies/books. It gave them something to really talk about.

His (Eleanor calls it an obsession, Louis calls it a hobby) love for romance literature/films really started when he was around 14, and he decided then (it was also around the time he realized he was gay) that he wanted a fairytale romance. He wanted a nice, pretty boy to come and sweep him off his feet, just like all the books he's read.

There were a few boys here and there, ones who really knew how to sweet talk their way into someone's bed, who'd take him on cute little dates that usually ended with pecks on the cheek and Louis pulling petals off of perfectly nice flowers to see if he loved him or he loved him not.

The dates never ended how Louis would always hope, with the boy saying I love you before kissing him goodnight. He's been on more dates than his little sister, and she's had more luck than him. It's horribly unfair, not to mention embarrassing. Louis isn't unappealing, it's the boys he finds appealing aren't the "steady relationship" types. Ever. So now Louis' bitterly convinced he'll be alone forever.


If Louis could have anyone for a best friend, he's very glad it's Harry. They may not be dating (pity he's straight, really) but Harry never says no to a cuddle, no matter how clingy Louis gets. His hair's gotten quite long recently as well and he doesn't mind Louis' slight infatuation with it. And he's always at the door with tubs of ice cream and Grease on dvd after a breakup. So, yeah, Louis loves Harry in the most intense, brotherly way possible.

Sometimes he wonders how Harry could love him, like now, where they're curled up together on Harry's couch, and Louis' octopusing him clad in sweatpants and a ratty tee-shirt, and fluffy socks his mum sent him because it's nippy today. Louis knows Harry doesn't want to be here (they had plans to go see the new Expendables film, originally) but he took one look at Louis and his outfit and said they could go another day. Louis was too tired, emotionally and physically, to protest so he just smiled gratefully and practically threw himself on Harry's couch.

"I'm sorry, Haz," Louis mumbles against his shoulder. The end credits of the second movie they've watched are rolling up the screen and he's almost ready to pass out.

"It's fine, Lou," Harry mutters back, fingers brushing through Louis' hair briefly. He knows when they break out the nicknames they mean business.

Louis sighs. "But you've been talking about seeing this film forever and then I come with my sorry self and you just drop it - and - and I feel awful."

"Hey, I love you more than a movie, Louis, you're being ridiculous. Plus it's not like I'll never get to see it. If I don't catch it in the theatres I can get the dvd. See? Simple."

Louis continues pouting because that's what he does, according to his mum that's all he ever did, and Harry bumps his shoulder with his own. "Alright," he says, nudging Louis over. "Enough feeling sorry. I know you can use a nap, so c'mon. Lay down and get comfy."

"You're a godsend, Harry," Louis says appreciatively as he maneuvers them so Louis' lying on Harry's chest. "An actual blessing."

Harry chuckles and his chest bounces Louis' head. "You get sentimental when you're tired."


Liam Payne has always wanted to be successful. Growing up, his family didn't have a lot of money with three kids to support and his dad being the only one who worked. He and his sisters were homeschooled for most of their school years, if only to save money. Liam suspects it's also because his mum couldn't be a stay-at-home mum without her kids being there.

It started when he was 16, finally old enough to be hired, he went out to the grocery store down the street and got a job as a cashier. It didn't pay a lot, and sometimes high school kids would make fun of him, but it still brought in extra money and helped. Ever since he brought home his first paycheck and his mum wouldn't stop crying, Liam decided he only wanted to help.

He's at uni now, believe it or not they still give out full scholarships for online students, trying to get a good enough education to support his family back home.

His oldest sister just had a baby, and the father refuses to help out at all, so it's like Liam never left, his parents still have three mouths to feed. Don't get him wrong, he loves his new niece, but sometimes he just gets frustrated with everything.

Liam's still kept his job at the grocery store, and now it's part-time. Not as much money, but his mum told him his dad got a promotion at his job so it's okay.

He misses home, sure, but he gets new pictures everyday of different members of his family (usually Ruth, according to Nicola she loves being an aunt) holding baby Claire. He's not gone, not really.


Studying, studying, studying. That's all Liam's been doing for the past two hours in his dimly lit dorm room. His roommate (who doubles as his best friend) Niall, is gone out partying with a group of friends he's mentioned more than once. Liam can never remember their names because he's studying.

Honestly when he accepted, he didn't realize how much work would go into it. Obviously he knew it'd be a bit more difficult, he can't start an assignment and go back and finish it the next day like he could in online school. He's got other assignments now. All due the next day.

Liam isn't even sure how Niall's in his second year, he's never seen the boy do one ounce of work. He parties or he drinks, but mostly he spends his time relaxing and laughing while Liam's ready to yank his hair out.

"How do you do it?" he finally breaks down and demands one night. He's got three papers due and Niall's just sitting there watching television, and it's distracting.

"How do I do what?"

"How do you never have any work?! Do you just not do it? Then how would you pass?!"

Niall laughed at him, kicking his feet up on the nightstand. "Payno, I'm a music major. We don't have English papers or whatever it is you're doing because we aren't trying to be lawyers."

"It pays well," Liam mutters before he goes back to his paper, pulling the little desk lamp so it's right over him. "It pays well."

He doesn't have to be looking at Niall to know his best friend is making that soft, fond face at him. There've been far too many times Niall's tried to pay for things for him and his family, he's even sent home money to his parents in Liam's name. It's horribly generous, and unthinkably kind, but Liam can't keep letting him get away with it. He hears Niall sigh.

"I know, Liam."


So Liam's got a bit of sob story, and so does Louis. I don't know if anyone will read this, but if you do I hope you enjoy! xx

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