{Chapter 2}

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♡Neveah (Nevi) POV♡

"Afternoon." I said walking through the front door.

"Afternoon. How was school?" My mom said walking out the kitchen coming to hug me.

"Umm..good. Mommy I hungry bad." I said walking in the kitchen.

"There's stew chicken and mashed potatoes with corn and green beans on the stove. Take out your own plate." She said walking upstairs.

Taking out my dinner, I climbed upstairs thinking about the guy that I bumped into earlier.

I think I remember him from somewhere. I turned on Netflix as I tried to remember where I know him from.

That's it! He almost ran me over with his car freshman year. Granted, I was looking for my earring that fell in the middle of the road, it's okay now.

I think his name was Max, Mathis, MATTHEW!

The way Matthew handled that girl in the school parking lot today...let's just say I couldn't find my wig or my panties.

Getting comfortable om my floor, I feel my phone vibrate on the couch beside me.


Key🐻: Party tonite. We're going i'm sending details.

Lana🐨: Bet.

I'll ask.

Key🐻: What¿?🗿Bish no. U r going even if you gotta sneak out.

Lana🐨: I'm picking everyone up. Be ready by 8:30✌🏻

1st day back and there's a party. Now I have to convince my Caribbean mother to let me go.

Walking down the hall, I muster up the curage to ask the question.

"Mommy," I sang sweetly opening her bedroom door, "Can I go to a party tonight from 9 till 12 please. I promise to be home on time." I said trying to be sweet and innocent.

"Who all gonna be there?"

"Just some people." I said doing a little happy dance in my head.

"Don't drink. Don't do any drugs. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't let you or anyone else who has been drinking drive. Call me if anything." She said turning back up the volume on the tv.

"Thank you mommy." I hugged her recieving an 'mmhmm' in response.

Seeing that it's only 4 in the afternoon, I'll do homework, sleep, then start getting ready at 8.

♤Matthew POV♤

"Quindi, Iziah, hai deciso di rubarmi? Pensavi che non lo avrei scoperto? Pensavi di potermi giocare e farla franca?" (So, Iziah, you decided to steal from me? Did you think I wouldn't find out? Did you think you could play me and get away with it?) I was questioning the dumbass that decided to steal over 30,000 dollars from me.

"Fottiti Matthew. Devi essere ignorante e immaturo per gestire un'organizzazione del genere. Sei solo un bambino." (You're to ignorant and immature to run such an organization. You're just a child.) He said spitting in my face.

"Ew what the frig dude. That's just disgusting." I said wiping my face then shooting him in both hands. Ahhh yes, screams are like music to my ears.

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