Chapter 2 - Mamma Mia

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The air is chilly, our breath fogging up as we speak into the phone. But I don't really feel it due to my angelic nature. We are on the line to the oldest Winchester, it being a few days since our incident with the British woman.

"I haven't found anything in these surveillance cameras. It's like they just disappeared. What about you, seen anybody that shouldn't be there?" Dean asks over the phone, him and Mary being back at the bunker.

Cas and I have been driving and flying around Aldrich Missouri, hoping to find any clues of the British woman and Sam's whereabouts. Cas gives a shake of his head, "It's pretty rural. Not a lot of beat cops."

"We've checked all the motels, abandoned buildings. No sign of Sam." I state, my heart aching as I pine for my love.

"All right. I don't know. Check real estate, check real estate offices. See if anybody bought a place or rented a place. I mean, these people had a freakin' plane. Maybe they do things legit." Dean suggests and Cas nods his head, "Okay, I understand. I'll call you in the morning."

"So guys, hey, here's the thing." Dean says quickly, stopping us from hanging up, "It's been kind of weird here with, you know, mom being back. It's like we don't know how to act around each other, so we kind of make this small talk and act normal, but it's... It's so not normal."

"What has she said to you?" I ask and he sighs, "Well nothing. That's... That's the whole point."

"Well what have you said to her?" Cas questions and Dean groans, "Nothing. I don't know what to say to her, you know? It's... It's like it's all too much, and I don't want to overwhelm her."

"Don't make things needlessly complicated." I state and Cas adds on, "As you human tend to do. I'll call you."

He hangs up the phone and tucks it away into one of the pockets of his trench coat. I turn and look out over the river, lost in thought with my arms folded over my chest.

"Are you okay?" Cas asks and I give him a look, to which he nods, "You're right, stupid question."

"I hate that we can't find him." I murmur, looking back out over the river once more.

"We're going to find him." He states confidently and I turn to him, "But in what state, Cas? Who knows what they're doing to him."

"Avery, stop." Cas says, placing his hands on my arms.

I stop and he looks me dead in the eye, "I know you're scared for Sam, we all are. But you have got to keep yourself together."

I close my eyes and lower my head, letting out a breath as he continues, "You've got to be strong, okay? Not just for you, but for Sam. We have a new lead, let's go check it out and tell Dean what we discover. Okay?"

I look up and meet his eyes, seeing the care in them and I give him a nod, "Okay."


We are standing on the edge of a farming property, an old white farmhouse in the distance. Cas and I can't step any further, due to the intense warding in front of us. We followed Dean's suggestion to speak to the real estate, and it led us here. And due to her knowledge of angel wardings, I think we have found the right place.

I pull out my phone and dial Dean's number, and he answers very quickly, "Hey Avery, what have you got?"

"I think we may have found Sam's location. It's a farm. It appears empty but it was rented two weeks ago to a woman with an English accent." I inform him.

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