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Jimin ~ 3rd p.o.v.

He stares up at the blank, white ceiling. The room is silent; the only noise coming from the crickets outside. He turns to look at the digital clock sitting on the nightstand beside him.

12:35 am

He couldn't fall asleep earlier; too much on his mind. He wants out of here just as bad as Hoseok, but the loneliness is what's killing him. He can't seem to relate to anyone on this side of the building. He misses being on the other side. Not only because of Hoseok, but everyone on this side is older people with real problems. Jimin has real problems. He just doesn't believe his are as bad as the people over here.

He also hasn't been taking the meds or sleeping pills the doctors have been prescribing him. He doesn't think he needs them.

I'm not crazy.

I'm just fine.

He stares at the clock which now reads, "12:36 am" and turns around, wrapping his arm around the teddy bear he had brought with him to this place; the teddy bear Namjoon had bought him last year when he had the sprained ankle. It comforts him. Keeps him from forgetting Namjoon.

He's pretty sure everyone in this building is asleep, except for the nurses who have to stay awake watching over patients.

He brings his legs over the side of the bed and stares at the door that leads to the long and narrow hallway.

No, that's a bad idea.

A testing thought comes to his mind, making him shake his head indecisively.

Well...maybe not that bad.

He stands up from the bed, still gripping onto the stuffed bear and tip-toes to the door. He slowly and quietly turns the doorknob, praying there will be no sound and to his luck, the door makes no creak as he opens it steadily.

A sudden gust of fear washes over him as his eyes adjust to the slight darkness. The moonlight shines through the windows of the corridor giving it a creepy and lonesome vibe. It is quiet and there seems to be no one around, so Jimin enters the hallway, leaving his room and begins his way down the hall.

 It is quiet and there seems to be no one around, so Jimin enters the hallway, leaving his room and begins his way down the hall

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He walks slowly, the only sound coming from his sandals hitting the back of his foot as he takes every step.

He doesn't know exactly where he is or where he's going. The building is quite large and confusing, almost like a maze with the many different turns to new hallways.

Finally, he reaches the end of the hall. There are two ways to go; left or right. He thinks for a moment, trying to remember which direction would lead him to his destination until it comes to him.


He turns left and continues walking.

He passes a few exit doors, wondering what would happen if he just dashed through one of them and made a run for it. His mind tempts him to actually do it. He probably wouldn't get very far. He's seen multiple people try to do it before and a loud siren emits through the building letting security know someone is trying to escape. It probably wouldn't end very well either. If he tried to run away, all that would do is further prove the doctors' point that he isn't stable or healthy to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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