❀; eight

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it has been five months since jimin was attacked by a werewolf. werewolves were never friends with vampires. in the past, they fought each other trying to protect or expand their territories. until one day, they made an agreement. one should not attack, and one should not kill. that is why when jimin was attacked by an animal that looked like a werewolf, the vampires were angry.

those are what krystal told lauren. she said the main reason why the vampires were angry was because jimin is a noble. he is a claseriesten. everything is going well, at least for lauren. nothing strange has happened. but other than lauren, everything is in chaos.

there is going to be the déka chrónia competition in two months. it is the competition to choose the strongest clan among the three royalty; Slyiestienia, Origiebien, Claseriesten.

the three royalties must compete regardless of their conditions. each clan send three representatives. jimin, jungkook, and seokjin are the representatives of the Claseriesten. but jimin has not been fully recovered from the accident. the wounds from a werewolf are not easy to be cured.

"lauren, what are you doing here? are you reading books again?" lauren looks up, there is krystal standing in front of her with a book in krystal's right hand. lauren gives krystal a smile,"yes, there are still many books i have not read." lauren answered.

"and what are you doing here? do you wanna read with me?" asked lauren. krystal shakes her head and walks to the book shelves. she puts a book with a green cover back to the shelf and takes a book with a black cover instead. "i would love to, but i am a bit busy right now. maybe next time?" said krystal with a smile.

"i have to find the best cure for jimin's wounds." krystal walks to the door,"i am leaving, enjoy your time lauren." she finally left the library and closed the door slowly.

lauren has a strong reason to read all of the books in Claseriesten's library. two days ago, she found a photo of a girl that looked exactly like her in her room. there were something written behind the photo, doppelgänger 1990.


a week has passed, but lauren still does not understand a thing about doppelgänger. she already read a book about doppelgänger yesterday. that is why lauren decided to ask krystal about this. she walks to the living room, hoping that krystal would be there with the boys.

and there they are, krystal and the boys are sitting. they are discussing about something that looks quite important, based on their serious faces. lauren walks in slowly, but she stops when taehyung glares at her.

"sorry lauren, but we are talking about something important, so could you please go?" said seokjin soflty. she thought that they would let her to listen, but she respects their decisions, lauren bowed to them and gave seokjin a smile before she walked out from the living room. she sits on the porch, trying to get some fresh air.

living with vampires is no fun at all. they are so serious, especially taehyung. he keeps his poker face all the time. lauren can not go out from this house too, seokjin said it is dangerous out there. even a werewolf tried to attack jimin.

lauren misses her boring life. she wants to go back to how everything used to be. she can only feel fear now, even when she goes to school. a human in the school of vampires, is a very bad idea.

although everyone treats lauren very nice, and particulary baekhyun. "hey," lauren is suprised a little when someone poked her back. she turns her head and krystal is smiling behind her. then krystal sits beside lauren.

"you really love being alone, don't you?" asked krystal. lauren chuckles,"i wanted to talk to you, but you were discussing with the boys." said lauren. krystal turns her head and looks at lauren.

"now i am here, what is it? tell me." krystal smiled.

lauren gives krystal the photo that she found at her room a week ago. "perhaps, do you know something about a doppelgänger?"

krystal's eyes become bigger when she sees the photo. "where did you get this photo? who gave you?" she asked. lauren shrughs her shoulders,"i don't know. i found it my room a week ago."

krystal flips the photo,"is this why you want to know what doppelgänger is?" lauren nods as a reply. krystal sighs, she looks stressed. "i am sorryㅡi can't tell you anything about it." she said. "you shouldn't know about this. the boys would be angry if they found out about this."

krystal gives the photo back to lauren. "can you please, at least tell me what does doppelgänger mean?" lauren begs krystal. she looks at lauren's eyes,"promise me you won't tell the boys about this?"

lauren quickly nods, ready to listen.

"well, i can't tell you muchㅡbut they said doppelgänger is a double of living person, sometimes they equate doppelgänger with an evil twin." krystal tries to explain it as easy as she can. "and who is this person? why does she look like me a lot?" asked lauren.

krystal stays silent,"your mother." she whispered.


i am back, anyone feels happy?
sorry for the grammatical errors.
dont forget to vote and comments, thank you.

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