A New Experience

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Y/N P.O.V.

"Of course, you are a Beaumont, it runs in your blood. Well then, BETTER BE SLYTHERIN!"

Before I could process everything that just happened in the last second, the whole Slytherin table started applauding. It definitely wasn't what I had expected, but it's not bad. I mean, I would at least have Draco as a friend if he'd ever bother to fix his attitude. I walked over to the green table semi-awkwardly and found me a seat that was the farthest from the little blond shithead. 

Standing up to pile my plate up with the delicious food they serve, I took a glance at Draco and was kind of mad at what I saw. Sitting so close to the blonde, there was a raven-haired girl clinging to Draco. Literally clinging on to him like a koala on a tree. It was pretty obvious that she was getting on Draco's nerves, but the girl was too dumb and distracted to notice. She even tried to touch his hair from time to time, but before she could even lay a finger on his hair, Draco would swat her hand away. I had to chuckle at that. Other than his parents and me, he wouldn't allow anyone to touch his gelled-back, so-called perfect hair. 

I had a little scoop of anything that was in my reach and soon got full after having a few more servings of the dishes I liked. The food at Hogwarts was literally worth dying for. They had dishes from different parts of the world, while they also served any flavour of pudding and ice cream that you could think of. I watched the two gorilla boys that were on my boat as they ate, stuffing their mouths as if this was their last meal. I also shot glances at the girl that was bothering Draco the whole meal. Seriously, I can't stop cringing at this pug-faced little bitch. 

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" cried Dumbledore as he flicked his wand, making a long piece of gold ribbon fly out of the end. The ribbon started to twist and words began to form. 

"Everyone pick their favourite tune," said Dumbledore," and off we go!"

And now the whole school started to sing:

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald,

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling,

With some interesting stuff,

For now, they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot."

All the voices ended at different times. As I looked over to the Gryffindor, I see Fred and George ending the song in a slow tune like a funeral march.

"Ah music," Dumbledore said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"

All the first years follow two Slytherin prefects down to the dungeons. the surrounding got darker and darker as we went further down under the school. We finally stopped in front of a plain grey wall. All the first years were confused until one of the prefects turned around explained. 

"This is the Slytherin common room, only the Slytherins can be in here." The prefect paused for a moment, then continued. "Now, you will have to say the password loud and clear. the password is 'Pureblood' and its pretty simple as the password has been like that for the past 5 years I think." said the other prefect this time. As soon as one of the prefects open the door, the first years all squeezed and rushed through the doorway, trying their best to get a peek of what's inside. The prefects having the responsibilities of prefects had to calm the chaos, which they did a pretty good job of. Surprisingly, the prefects organized us pretty quickly, putting the girls to the right and the boys to the left. 

"As you can see, this is the Slytherin common room. We would usually allow you guys to look around for a little, but I think we wasted all the time trying to calm you guy down," chuckled the male prefect. "By the way, I'm Michael and this is Joanna," Michael introduced as he pointed to the blonde girl beside him. 

"Call me Jo actually. If any of you need any help or have a few questions, we'll be here," said Joanna while she gave us a sweet smile.

Joanna led us up the stairs leading to the girl's dorms. She summoned a few mini chalkboards with pre-written names before sticking the boards onto the doors. 

"Find the door that has your name on it and the others on it will be your roommates," said Jo "Your stuff and pets are already in your rooms. OH yes! Also, don't try to smuggle any boys in, the stairs will automatically push them off," she said as she winked. We all separated into our own dorms. I was greatly disappointed when I saw that same black-haired girl that was making Draco uncomfortable walk into the room and plop down on the bed opposite with a sigh of excitement. 

I silently scoffed and started to lay my things out for tomorrow as I thought of a plan on how to survive while that pug is literally in the same dorm with me for probably the next 7 years. Only moments later my thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. Ew, I thought, as I put on a fake but welcoming enough smile to turn and face the pug. 

"Heeeyyy! Nice to meet you, I'm Pansy Parkinson and I would love to know you better since we are going to share this dorm for a few more years," Exclaimed Pansy Pug Parkinson in one long but squeaky voice as she forcefully took my hand and shook it aggressively.

"Hi, Pansy, nice to meet you too," I said, trying to be as nice and calm as possible. I stood up again and continued to unpack my things as Pansy just kept on ranting about her life and other things I didn't care about. 

"By the way, Y/N, do you know Draco Malfoy? Like that blonde guy that was super cute," asked Pansy. I was completely caught off guard as she mentioned Draco. A bit of anger came back up as I remembered the train incident today, but I was more curious and focused on what Pansy wants to tell me. 

"Why, what about Draco?"

"I was just asking if you knew him or not," Pug-face said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I do, but what are you trying to tell me, Pansy?"

"Then are you guys close?" asked Pansy with curiosity written all over her ugly bitch face.

"I mean, we were neighbours and best friends until today, but why do you need to know? Cut to the point Pansy."

"So you guys are close, well..." she hesitated as she began to have a light blush. "Well... will you introduce me to him, I tried to talk to him at dinner, but he just told me to shut up..."

I quickly told her that I would be thinking about it, and would like to sleep at the moment. Pansy actually agreed and got ready for bed, too. I lied in bed in the pitch-black room after lights-out and thought about the day. Will Draco and I get on good terms again anytime soon? What will  Hogwarts teach us? How are Fred and George? Will I make more friends? Thoughts like that drifted in my head as I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

A/N: HEy hEy readers, its ya girl Eliza again and no, I'm not dead. Wowie, I actually updated in a million years. I've been quite busy but I will surely have more time in the future because spring break is right around the corner. I hope that you peeps won't start attaCCing me for not providing frequent updates but I'll try my best. It's pretty late for me over here right now and I'm hella tired, so ELIZA OUT AGAIN💖

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