Chapter 2

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It was around 9:30 when I texted Rosé to make sure she gave me the correct number:
L: Is this Rosé
R: Yea, who's this?
L: This is Lisa I was making sure this was the right number
R: You thought I gave you a fake one lol
L: No lol I don't know what I was thinking, goodnight
R: Gn. See you tmr

Monday morning
I was a nervous wreck, I didn't know what to do with myself. I ironed the uniform that I was ordered to wear by the school administration. I jumped in the shower to calm my nerves and surprisingly, the shower helped a lot. I got dressed and did my makeup. Today was my first day at 'Mountain High' so I wanted to make an impression. I cut my bangs a little more and put on the expensive perfume my father had bought me for my birthday. I felt confident. I was prancing around my room until I heard a knock at the door which made me jump suddenly. It was Rosé!

"Good morni- wow you clean up nice" she said looking me up and down.
"Oh thanks I just wanted to look at least half decent for my first day." I said rubbing my elbow from shyness.
Rosé quickly broke the silence "Well are you ready to go? I'll drive you if that's fine with Mrs. Manoban"
"I'm sure she won't mind, I'll be there I just need to grab some breakfast." I said making my way to the kitchen while Rosé waited on me in the car. I grabbed a jelly doughnut and some apple juice and hopped in the car.
"This car is really nice, I love it!" I said while stuffing my mouth.
"Thanks, it was my sixteenth birthday gift" Rosé said while turning on the radio.

We waited in line behind the buses entering the school. Rosé finally found a place to park . I struggled to unfasten my seatbelt and as I tried to get it off I got jelly onto my uniform. "UGHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed in frustration which caused Rosé to have a worried look on her face. Rosé tried to help by taking my seatbelt off for me. She then got some napkins from her glove department and cleaned the jelly off my uniform. That didn't quite help because now my uniform was stained. "Take your shirt off" she ordered and I did so "I have a spare I always keep in my trunk that you can wear."
I caught myself staring at Rosé as she went to get the shirt for me. Why am I like this? Anyway, Rosé came back with the shirt and I changed into it.
"Thank you for the lift and for the shirt." I told Rosé as I began to gather my belongings.
"No problem girlie" she smiled "us girls have to be there for one another."
As Rosé started walking me to the principal's office, a boy stopped us and stared at me. "Is this the new Chinese girl" he said mockingly. I felt so uncomfortable I didn't know what to do. Rosé saw the discomfort on my face and quickly said "Aiden she's Thai and her name is Lalisa not that it's any of your business. Now if you'll excuse us, we have classes to get to." The boy turned turned red from embarrassment and suddenly walked off.

We stopped in the hallway in front of the principal's office. "People here are kind of rude and may say some things that offend you but it's only because our school isn't very diverse." Rosé said while deeply staring me in the eyes. I could see the concern on her face. "I know, I'll be fine" I said.
Rosé knocked on the principal's door.
"COME IN" I heard someone say in a stern voice.
"Uhm good morning Mr. Miller, this is our new transfer student Lalisa" Rosé said while bowing down to the tall man, I did so as well.

"Thank you for bringing her here Chaeyoung, you may go to class. Come sit down while I get your schedule Miss Lalisa." Rosé walked away and I sat down feeling all sorts of nervousness rush through my body.
The principal was printing off my schedule while staring at me. I looked everywhere around the room and I accidentally locked eyes with him.

"You're to go to room 709 on hall B, don't let me catch you doing anything you aren't supposed to. You're in Australia not Thailand, we do things a bit different around here."
I felt so horrible I could've thrown up. How could a principal say something like this? The start off my first day had already gone downhill.

I walked out of the office closing the door behind me and I screeched because Rosé had scared me. She was there this entire time. "He has no right to treat you like that! You are the same as everyone else here. I swear our school is pure sh-" I interrupted her before she finished "it's fine I promise" "I'm treated like this everywhere I go, it's not new". Rosé deeply sighed "I'm sorry mate" and she surprised me when she gave me a big hug. I liked this feeling, it was different and soothing. I didn't want it to end but sadly, it did.
Rosé slowly let go of my waist "come on girlie, let's get to class." I followed her while picking up my bag and schedule.

Just my luck I had a different first period as her. Rosé stood with me at the door until I was ready to go in. I took a few deep breaths "I'm ready" I said to her. "Good luck, tell me if anything happens!" she said while walking backwards to her class. I took some more deep breaths and opened the door to see the class focused on what seemed like a documentary. The teacher paused it and the students groaned and whined.

"You must be our new transfer student?" the lady said while giving me a bright smile that made me feel welcomed. "Y-yes ma'am" I stuttered while the students had their eyes locked on me. "What's your name?" She asked. "Her name is Lalisa and she's from Thailand" I heard a voice say from the back of the class. OMG. It was the same boy that Rosé had confronted this morning. It seemed like everything that could possibly go wrong was going wrong. "Have you two met before?" The teacher asked with a look of interest. "No ma'am my friend Chaeyoung introduced us this morning" I said hurriedly, not wanting her to think I was his friend. Someone else joined our conversation "Oh you're friends with Chaeyoung? You better watch out, I heard she's 50/50." Everyone started laughing until the teacher made them be quiet. I didn't understand nor did I try to understand. I was just ready to go home so I didn't embarrass myself.
Rosé dropped me off at home. I had a really bad headache and I was hungry since I didn't eat at lunch. My mom was there waiting for me as soon as I came through the door. My mom had one of the biggest smiles I had ever seen in my life "Hi baby! I missed you so so so much!! Did your first day go well?"
"Actually mom, I'd rather not talk about it right now. I just want some food and something to take for my head." My mom's smile flopped suddenly. "What's wrong baby? You didn't eat at school?". I bursted into tears that I couldn't hold back "IM UNWANTED AT THAT SCHOOL AND I DIDN'T WANNA GET POISONED OR SOMEONE STEAL MY FOOD BECAUSE ME AND ROSÉ HAVE DIFFERENT LUNCH PERIODS AND I JU-" my mom cut me off by shushing me. I sat in her lap and she held me while I cried in her shoulder. I hadn't seen this side of my mother in a while. I felt... protected and wanted. We had been like that for at least 15 minutes until I calmed myself and changed into comfortable clothes. My mom grinned at me "How about we eat some enchiladas tonight, hm?"
"Sounds great".
I heard a small knock on the door right when I was about to go to the bathroom. "Mom can you get that I really have to pee". No answer. I tried to gather myself so that I wouldn't urinate all over the floor. I finally stood up and went to answer the door. When I opened the door it was Rosé. She apologized for me having such a bad day. I let her in and she sat on the couch. I was in a rush to get to the restroom "I'll be right back I have to use the ladies room. She suddenly stood up "How about I come with you". I was shocked at her question. "I mean we're both ladies, what's wrong with me coming with you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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