Chapter 1

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Tsuna sighed, his belly emitting a low sound, a clearly recognised cry for food. He was starving.

Chancing a glance at the clock-- 8:30 pm, he frowned. There was still no sign of Nana just yet.

"When is Kaa-san coming home? I'm starving..." He grumbled softly, before shrieking when a bullet whizzed past his ear.

It had missed him by just an inch.

"Hie!" Tsuna's voice was shrill and whirling around, his eyes were wide as he yelled at the culprit, "Reborn! What was that for?"

Reborn smirked. "Dame-Tsuna, Mama asked me to tell you to go buy food for the two of us. She's bringing the children out for dinner."

Tsuna sighed.

Of course, leave it to Reborn to ignore him and carry right on.

"But why me-? Okay, okay, Reborn! Don't shoot!" Squeaking, the brunet dared not complete his sentence.

Not when onyx eyes were gleaming at him ominously, and with Reborn pointing a gun straight to his face.

"So," Tsuna could have sworn he saw something predatory in the infant's cutesy smirk. "You were saying?"

Tsuna squirmed slightly.

Maintaining eye contact at each other for a few more seconds, the brunette eventually relented and sighed up a storm as he put on his favourite white-orange jacket and left the house.


"Stupid Reborn, making me his lackey of sorts..." Tsuna muttered, shivering slightly as he walked down the dark streets of Namimori.

There was hardly a single person in sight, and frankly, it was making Tsuna feel more and more unnerved.

Each step he took was taken with caution, and every tiny sound caused him to flinch back in slight fear.

He was on edge, and Tsuna was starting to suspect paranoia.

Shivering once more, he felt a jolt travel up his spine as he eyed the dark alleys and shadows that seem to creep at him.

The night was scary.

He had almost never left the house at night before, alone at that. Though obviously, trying to break the Rainbow Curse back then had been an exception.

Somehow, the memory warmed Tsuna slightly.

That's right...

I was so fearful of the dark streets that night too.

How nostalgic.

He smiled.

Suddenly, the night didn't seem to be so scary anymore.

Someone's there.

Ah. Tsuna had spoken to soon, perhaps.

Something rattled, and a loud thump was heard before Tsuna squeaked, jumping a few feet into the air, before composing himself.

He sputtered out a weak, "Who's there?"

There was no reply.

Gulping, he swallowed down his unease.

There was nothing there, but his intuition was screaming at him to run. Tsuna exhaled shakily. Perhaps it had just been his nerves and anxiety acting up?

There was another loud rattle, and Tsuna yelped, just as something shadowy stepped out from the shadows.

But Tsuna was already prepared for it, putting on his mittens and about to swallow a pill when-

Taken - Katekyo Hitman RebornWhere stories live. Discover now