Chapter Eleven

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The day came for nomations. Zacky and I were more nerves then ever. We were spazing out hardcore. So was Brandy. I mean, if it came to it, she was going home. I'd give anything to be up against Cynthia, but I knew that wasnt going to happen. Cynthia was the only allience member left to help Fronz. None of us were going to. Not after all the times he put up Zacky.

"For my nomations, I put up, you Zacky." Fronz started to say, "As for my second, I put up you, Cyndy."

My heart stopped.

They did get smart.

Brandy got made and up and left before they called the meeting.

Who would blame her? They last of our alleince was on the block. They only way we were still in this was if Zacky won veto again. Or I Did and gave it to him. One of us, had to do it. To save the Devilish six strings.

Zacky, Brandy, and I sat outside by the pool to talk everything out.

"So what are we doing?" Zacky asked.

I looked at Brandy, "What do you wanna do?"

She sighed, "I dont want Zacky to loose. I want him to be in the final two with you, then figure it out from there."

"The only way we'll save Zacky, is if we get the veto tomorrow." I said, "Even if I get it, Im going to use it on Zacky, but I dont need to be the one to win it. They will send me home, saying, stupid, you could have used it on yourself."

We both looked at Zacky.

"What?" He asje worried.

I reached over and hugged him, "Your going to have to win this."

Brandy gave him a kiss and looked him in the eye, "You have to."

Zacky grawled and laid back.

Brandy laid next to him and they were just gazing at each other. It really made me miss Syn, horribly.

"I'll let you guys be." I said as I got up and made my way in the house.

Cynthia, Lizzy, and Fronz were in the house talking and laughing among their selfs.

I looked at Lizzy, "Can we talk?"

Lizzy looked at Fronz and then got up to follow me to another room.

"Yea?" She asked.

I shook my head and looked at her, "Why'd you turn your back on us?"

She sighed, "Cynthia talked me into it. She told me you guys had it out for me from the start. Im slowly starting to believe she lied to me."

"Yea, she did. Now we've lost all our allience members." I said angery, "But thats okay, as long as I can have your word."

Lizzys eyes lit up with interest, "You have an idea to stop her?"

I nodded my head, "I do. If you win the veto tomorrow, use it on Zacky please. Zacky is going to try and win. Im hoping he does, cause I dont want them to see you siding with us."

" understand, tell me more." She asked.

"Cynthia is the target. If Zacky wins veto, hes putting Brandy on the block with me. No doubt." I started to explain, "Vote Brandy out."

She was kind of shocked that I wanted to put my own sister up.

"Zacky and I had made a deal day one, to go to the final two. And were keeping it. If you help us, and give us your third vote to get Brandy out, I'll win the HOH or Zacky, and we'll put up Cynthia and Fronz. Voting Cynthia out." I told her. "I promise you'll be safe another week."

Lizzy started letting everything sink in, "And if I didnt?"

"Fronz and Cynthia will come after you as soon as they can. Do you want them to be two you go against for the final two?" I asked.

"True." She started thinking, "I'll do it."

"Thank you so much." I ssaid hugging her.

On the next day, Zacky won the power of veto. Fucking took that shit right out of Fronz's hands. It wa so amazing. We were never so excited, but now it was time for Brandy to go home. It sucked, but it was what was going to happen.

Julia came on the screen moments after we all casted our votes. I couldnt stop looking at Lizzy. I was so scared. I looked at Zacky, then Brandy, holding onto her hand tight.

"With a two to one vote, Brandy, you are the next to leave the Big Brother house. Gather your things and leave amedently." Julia annouced.

I hugged Brandy, then hugged Zacky. Lizzy looked at me, then Fronz. He knew she had changed it on him. He wasnt happy ,but it was okay. Cause, we were both the target.

"Damn it." Zacky yelled as Brandy exited the door.

I watched as her picture turned grey on the board.

"Then there were two." Fronz said with a smirk as he vanished up to his room.

I grabbed Zacky by the arm, "We got to win this."

He nodded his head, "Whos gunna go if we do?"

I looked behind me and everyone went to their rooms. It was a late night and HOH challage was tomorrow.

"Cynthia and Fronz. Lizzy done said we'd get out Cynthia." I told him.

He looked at me weird, "Why not get rid of Fronz? I'd be the only man left, the odds would be in our favor."

I shook my head, "Lizzys attachted to Fronz right now, and I told her I'd keep her safe this week, but next week, shes gone."

Zacky nodded his head, "Agree, lets get some rest though. Im beat from that veto comp."

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